
Friday, April 3, 2009

Barefoot or Shoes On?

I know your all scratching your heads.......thinking "what is she talking about now".  This is a bit of a fun post for me.  I've been thinking about posting this and I thought "wow, people might think I'm crazy".  Well, you know what?  I am crazy, and proud of it.  haha

So, on to the point.  I want to know if you sew barefoot or with your shoes on?  I myself sew barefoot (or socks on).  I have tried and tried to sew with my shoes on and I can't do it.  I was ready to go the other day, had my shoes on and a few extra mintue's.  I thought I would sew for a few,  my foot hit that peddle with lighting fast speed and the fabric was sewed and through the machine in a nano second.  I was like wahhhooooo...slow down.  I stopped sewing right then and had to rip out those stitches and re-do.  So.....I'd like to hear from all my followers.  How do you sew??


  1. On the HGTV quilting site, someone posted an old singer manual that stated the sewer should make sure her chores are done for the day, she has her makeup on, her high heels and is ready for the day of sewing!

    Everyone had to post. Many said they sewed in their jammies, no makeup, no shoes! We all got a good laugh. Now, when they post about the latest quilt they are making some will add that they were wearing earrings and chapstick, etc. I have to say it makes me think every time I sit down to sew!

  2. I cannot use the sewing machine foot pedal with my shoes on...even at workshops at our guild meeting, I take that shoe off...and I'm not the only one who does it there, either! I've noticed on retreats, too, that many sew without shoes on their feet. ME, this isn't a crazy post at all. (Back to the kids/grandkids now who are visiting this weekend for hubby's b'day.)

  3. I either sew barefoot or with my Croc's on. I, too, have tried to sew with a shoe on but I don't seem to have any control.

  4. I can't sew with a shoe on to save my life!

  5. Yep, I'm with you all. Barefoot, socks or slippers, but NEVER shoes. I don't wear shoes around the house so I've got used to not wearing them to sew. Makes sense to me!

    And it's so comfy to sew in your jammies.

  6. Always barefoot, I'll kick off one shoe if I don't have time to be barefoot all day. But when i treadle i treadle with shoes. it hits my feet weird and i have this fear of crushing my own toes as i treadle. I'm weird like that.

  7. Shoes. Because thre are normally pins floating about on the floor! I know they should be in a pincushion!


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