
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

100th Post Giveaway!!

Welcome, you have found my 100th giveaway post. I’m digging this giveaway. I’ve been looking forward to it since like post 80. lol I started this blog in 2007 and just now reaching 100. WOW….actually when I started it, I wasn’t that regular. I had one post in 2007 and a then picked it up regularly in December of 2008. I started this as a way for family to see what I was up to, and how I was using my sewing machine (since I received it as a gift). Now, it has grown to an addiction. Guess there could be worse addictions huh?

Here’s what you’ll win:

*14 fat quarters, yes, you read that right 14 fat boys

*2 templates sets-1 stars & 1 hearts

*electric scissors (edited 6/16/09) I found an extra set of blades that go with this scissors

*an adorable picture frame says “if friends were flowers I’d pick you” and I even framed a cute piece of fabric in the frame. The picture don’t do it justice, the fabric looks great in there.

*a vintage pack of rick rack, and when I say vintage I mean 1978 (I have a feeling I’ll get lots of comments on that) I mean I was only 3 at the time. LOL

*5 yards of Metallic Gold ribbon

So, here’s the low down. I would love to have more followers. To my current followers, if you’ll mention this in one of your posts (and tell me you did so) to send people over my way, you’ll get 3 entries. You don’t have to make a special post, just mention it in one of yours. If you just want to leave a comment but are a follower and don’t want to mention on your blog, you’ll get 2 entries. If your new to my blog and become a follower you’ll get 2 entries as well. Just be sure to tell me you just became a follower. And I’ll double check my “followers” list. ;) I will post this on my side bar till June 21st. We leave for Pigeon Forge, TN. next Wednesday the 17th. We will return on the 21st and draw for a winner. Then the following week we leave for Ohio. Oh how I love Summer Vacations. So, that leaves this drawing open for about a week and half.

Go on, enter…….tell all your blogging buddies. I want followers!!


  1. Okay...count me in....and I just went to today's post on my blog and put a link to THIS post of yours for the I think some of my regular readers will come here, too, and read about your great prize package!!!

  2. Wow tonya what an awesome prize. count me in.

  3. i'd love to join. do u accept international participant?

  4. I am following now. I have read your blog before but now I AM a Follower.

    Great prizes. Gotta love those fat boys! I have never had electric scissors. Those could be interesting!

  5. I also blogged this giveaway. I hope I got the maximum number of entries, cause I would love to win this!

  6. I thought I was a follower on your blog as I know you are on mine. What a nice and generous give-a-way. I certainally will blog about the give-a-way but I don't have a large following either. Even when I did my Easter one it didn't get much attention, it does sometimes get frustrating. I love reading everyones and will continue. Happy Quilting

  7. I saw a link to you from both Pat and Gene's blogs! I am now a follower as we both live in NC and make juice bags! I would love to enter.

  8. Posted your wonderful generous giveaway on my Blog.
    Hope you get loads of followers if that is what you want..;-)
    Hope you all have a wonderful vacation as well.

  9. I saw a mention on ...and Sew On's blog about this giveaway. After reading I decided I would follow. My sister lives down by Pidgeon Forge. Is there any chance you could swing by and slap her for me? She left the day before my grand daughter was born because she heard it might rain:|

  10. I am now a follower!! Oh, and Gene sent me!! LOL But I noticed Pat mentioned it also!!
    Generous giveaway!!!!! Fingers crossed!!!Congratulations and enjoy your vacation!

  11. Tonya, I am so sorry, I thought I was a could I have overlooked this? You come to my blog all of the time. I am a follower and will continue to be. You have a wonderful vacation. I will also blog about this but on my side bar.

  12. I thought I was a follower too - because I have you on my bloglines...and I get each post you do...just lousy at commenting lately...

    But, anyway - I made sure I am a follower now!

    It doesn't seem like it has been a 100 posts time flies.

  13. Hey I've been your follower for a little while. Really awesome about your post and looks like a great giveaway!

  14. I have posted your wonderful giveaway! Good luck on getting followers! It sounds like a great package for the lucky winner. I love following your blog.

  15. Congratulations on 100 posts. This sounds like a great giveaway so please count me in. I'll become a follower.

  16. I just found your blog and really enjoy it!! I am becoming a follower right now!! Come visit me sometime!

  17. I'm excited to join your giveaway! And I plan to mention it on my blog too.

  18. What a great giveaway! I just became a follower. :-) Have a great vacation!

  19. Great giveaway. Micki sent me over :-)

  20. Count Me In! Wow!

    I'm a follower and I will post on my blog.

    Awesome, Tonya! Fabulous!

  21. Wow! What a generous giveaway! I am now a follower. You don't need to add me to your giveaway because I have way too much fabric as it is, but I know how nice it is to have followers so I wanted to follow your blog! I lve the Turtle Quilt that you are working on.

  22. I posted about your wonderful giveaway on my blog. Please enter me in the drawing for it!!! Love all the items you selected...most generous!!! I have also add your blog to my following list!

  23. Enjoy your vacations. Nice give away! I am a new FOLLOWER!

  24. I just signed up to be a follower. I would love to win your giveaway. What generosity!!

  25. What a great give-away & certainly you generous one
    I have just found you from Irish Muse blog so am a new one & have become a follower & i have also put it on my blog which is at
    Good luck to all who enter

  26. how awesome!
    what a treasure trove of goodies!
    I just became a follower!
    congrats on 100 posts, will be fun to play with these goodies

  27. Great blog!
    I am following now too!

  28. Hey, I am new to your blog, linked from Micki, Irish Muses and don't have my own yet but will be a follower. Have a wonderful and safe trip. I always wanted to go to Piegon Forge..

  29. I added you to my list to follow!
    I love mountain vacations. We go to Maggie Valley in July and then a visit to Ohio right afterwards.

  30. Found you through Barb and just became a follower. Nice giveaway!

  31. I've already a follower, but I will go a step further for the extra entries and create a link back and post about your generous giveaway. The smokey Mountains are beautiful. Have a wonderful time and don't forget the camera!

  32. I just became a follower and would love to be a part of this giveaway. Wonderful giveaway, by the way.

  33. Ok, so I just became a follower and I do read my blogs faithfully, so I am looking forward to what you have to share in the future. From your blog list, it looks like you follow many of the same ones I do, and you have your mind full of inspiration too...that's alot of reading! I'll never have time for anything if I begin my own blog...for now I just enjoy reading about the lives of others.

  34. I will mention it on my blog and happy 100th!!!! Melinda

  35. Happy 100th blog - I started a blog a few months ago and will add you as a follower. I just love finding new blogs....

  36. I'm following you... Congrats on 100. I got here through Sara, through DocSly... I love the creativity all you quilters bring to the table.

    Good to meet you!

    Helen G,

  37. Have just wandered over and found your blog... added to my daily reads.

  38. What a wonderful prize! Thank you for offering this give-a-way.

  39. Wow, what a great prize! I came here from and sew on I think...I also am going to add you to my list of blogs to read! Congrats on 100 posts!

  40. Let's see....I'm now a follower, got the give a way notice from: AverettLadyNana, and I will post the give a way on my blog at:

    Congrats on the 100th post!!

  41. I would love to win your give a way..and now I am a follower for sure.


  42. Congratulations on your 100th post. I am now a follower

  43. What a kool idea!! And your blog is so neat, I'm gonna love becoming a follower!

  44. Love the giveaway. I'm new to this site, matter of fact I'm new to this whole bloging thing! Congrats on your 100th post. I guess I'll become a follower, I enjoy reading and seeing what others are doing.

  45. Congratulations! I'm visiting from sew happy quilting.

  46. Hi,
    how strange, I was sure I was a follower o yours, but heyho I am now.
    What a truly generous give away you are having, and yes please I would love to be entered, the 21st June is a special day for me this year, ruby wedding, woohoo. So even If I dont win on here, I guess I will get something from some one!!! what say you. hahaha Off to put you on my Blog now.

  47. Just became a follower! Looking forward to it! Heard about your blog from my friend Joanne Lendaro. Happy 100th post!!!

  48. Are you going to the NQA quilting convention?

  49. Congratulations on your 100th post! This is a great giveaway. Please my name to the drawing.

  50. I have had you on my list of blogs I follow because of Reddirt Woman. What a nifty idea. I will post this on my blog as well. Have a safe vacation.

  51. What a generous giveaway! Please count me in, and I'm going to post it on my blog as well.

  52. Wow!! What a great giveaway!! I learned about this from Joanne of Splitting Stitches. How do I make this a active link. I just started a blog a couple of days ago. So still have lots to learn. I post your giveway!

  53. I am putting this on my blog and I became a follower. I found you through Joanne's blog.

  54. I just found your blog. How cute and fun
    Thanks for entering me in you drawing.


  55. Hi - I just signed up as a follower. (rsg)

  56. What a great giveaway! I would love to win!
    Congratulations on your 100th post, and hope your vacations are wonderful!

  57. Congratulations on your 1ooth post! Woo Hoo!! :)

  58. What a wonderful giveaway! I found your blog through Bonnies bits & pieces. I have become a follower and also posted a link on my blog back to yours. You can find it here,

  59. This is a great giveaway. I am following you now, I always love a good quilting blog to follow. Looking forward to reading future posts. :)

  60. I blogged about your giveaway!

  61. Don't have blog to post in about your giveaway but added yours to my Google reader list. This is a very generous give-a-way. thanks for offering it.
    ps. i love the photo of the favorite quilt patches at the bottom of this

  62. Hi Tonya,
    I will certainly add you to my blog list - I was sent here by a three other bloggers - Pat of Silver thimble quilting, Gene black - alabama artist and of course my friend Micki from Irish Muses. See how many connections you are making these days.
    As for me you can find me at
    I am a quilter from Western Canada- Do come and visit if you get a chance.
    Have a wonderful holiday and thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway. I am sure that you will get lots of new visitors.
    Warmest regards,

  63. Hi, I just found you and I am following - yeah! izazbz at yahoo dot com

  64. A lot of great goodies, Tonya! Please count me in. I've become a follower and I've written about your giveaway on my blog at

  65. Hi Tonya!!! I came over from Barbs blog and love your blog!! I am a follower and would love to win the fat boys!!


  66. Wonderful generous giveaway!!!! I am new to your blog and signed up to follow!Thanks for the chance to win!!

  67. found your blog and will be a follower, nice blog by the way.
    love the give a way's. Hope you have a great vacation.

  68. Fabulous giveaway - so generous of you!

    Don't know how to become a follower but added you to my bookmars to read daily if that counts for anything?

  69. New follower here! And by the way, I am in Ohio and would love to hear what you did while you were here. So often we miss what is right under our noses!


  70. I don't have much of a readership, so we'll skip that portion. BUT I do follow your blog.

    I hope you have a great vacation! We're taking a few days off as well. Looks like you and I will be back on the same day. (The 21st.) Except... I don't know where we're going yet! Surprises are fun.

  71. Lots of great goodies!! I've just become a follower! Thanks for this chance to win such crafty things :)

  72. Great giveaway! I am a new follower!

  73. Wow great giveaway!! Congratulations on your 100th post!! I'm new to your blog so I'm going to follow & blog about your giveaway!!
    Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  74. i'm a new follower!! thanks for finding my blog and signing up for my giveaway!

  75. I want to go on summer vactation too!!! Sign, no joy for me this summer!
    I would love to be entered into your give away though! Oh and I am also a follower.
    Thank you, and have fun on your trips.

  76. I am a new follower to your blog and will posta link to your giveaway on my blog. I've enjoyed browsing your blog and reading about life on the farm. Thanks!

  77. thanks for the chance, i can't wait to go back and read mre of your blog! i'm signing up to be a follower!

  78. Tonya,

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful vacation. I too love summer vacations.

    It is very nice of you to hold this delightful give-away. I know I could use your gold ribbing for some bags I'm decorating for the holidays. But to whomever wins - congratulations and thank you to you!


  79. Congrats on your 100th post. Great giveaway. Thanks.

  80. I am a new follower. Great giveaway! I love quilting!

  81. I am a follower now. And mentioned you on my blog.
    Great giveaway! And nice blog.

  82. I am a new follower! Thanks so much for the chance to win, I enjoyed flitting around your blog!

  83. Hey there. Just found your blog. I'm a follower and will mention you on my blog:
    Awesome giveaway, congrats on 100 posts!

  84. How fun I'm getting close to 100 post as well.
    Good Luck.
    Hope you have a great day. :o}

    P.s. I will put a post about your give-away. :o} and follower

  85. Hi, Regena sent me over to you. Congratulations on 100 posts. I`ll soon be there too. Your blog is new to me, but of course I wanted to be a follower.

  86. I found your blog thru Regena! Nice give away and nice blog you have here! Great idea!

  87. Hi I found your giveaway through the following blog I sure wish I could win. Thanks Mary in SC

  88. Consider yourself followed!!! I just signed up. Great blog.

  89. I am not a blogger but a new follower. Thanks for the entries.

  90. OK, I am now a follower. (grin) I love finding new blogs. I'll spend more time tomorrow looking through yours. Bed time now. Have a good day. Winona

  91. Hi! I am new to blogging. My blog is called "fancythatbydebpoole" YOUR blog is so much nicer than mine. lol I found your site while on Gene's webpage. He says so many nice things about u. Thank you for sharing your life and family with us.

  92. I'll follow you. Will you follow me too?

  93. Awesome giveaway! I just became a follower (I'm also new to your blog) and I posted a blog about your giveaway. You can find it here

  94. What a lovely, generous giveaway! Please add me to your list of entrants. It says I am a follower, but blogger is giving me fits today for some reason, so I'm not sure if it will show up or not. Thanks!

  95. What a nice give away, I'm new on your blog. I have become a follower. Have a happy sunday

  96. I love a good giveaway! I have just become a follower after scooting over here from QuiltQua - look forward to seeing what you're up to!
