
Monday, June 8, 2009

Cont. Turtle Quilt 2 :(

How many of you noticed the sad face in the title?  Yep........yesterday you saw all my neat cut stacks, that were ready to sew into blocks.  Well, I actually starting sewing them Saturday night (I'm writing this post Saturday night).  This is how the first block turned out. :(  Well, I was going to show you one before I "edited" it, but it seems as if I didn't save it. 
See the "oops"?  Best I can figure I cut that strip 2" instead of 2.5"  I looked at it a million times trying to figure out how to fix it, and adding a small piece to it was the best I could think of.  I think once it's all together and quilted it won't even be noticeable.  Bad thing about it, I'll have to add that small piece to every strip.  Thank goodness it had just a bit extra.  Uggghhhh.....ya'll (spell check didn't recognize ya' see what I mean now about patterns??

FYI: Be on the lookout for my 100th post giveaway.  This is post 93.


  1. It's not bad at all. I had to zoom in on the picture to even see it. It will be fine once you quilt it. Looks cute so far! Jenn

  2. Once it's quilted, nobody else will notice but you. And...that wasn't your inability to follow a pattern as you DO know how to read the just thought it said 2 and not 2 1/2. It will all work out fine......once you get past the annoyance of having to add to that strip in each block!

  3. I agree...once you quilt it, it will not even be seen at all. Lovely colours!

  4. Looking good so far. That was a very creative way to fix the little booboo. And it won't be noticeable at all once it's quilted.

    I'm looking forward to your 100th post. Mine is coming up soon, too!

  5. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to add little strips of fabric I have had to add to blocks because of a cutting error. And, never has anyone noticed once the quilt was done. LOL

  6. You know what.. there are a million of us who have done that very same thing.. I am sure. I could not even see the mistake except for the big white arrow. You were very clever to fix it like that, and thank goodness Judi was generous enough to add the little bit extra that you needed. I know some kit-makers are very skimpy on their supplies and leave no room for error. So thumbs up for Judi too!

  7. People won't me....


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