
Friday, July 17, 2009

Wii-Animal Crossing Friend

This is a crazy post and most of you won't know what I'm talking about. However, about a month back while I was on my first vacation, someone emailed me and wanted to exchange friend codes for Animal Crossing. I've searched and searched for that email and I can't find it. Can you please email me again. I'm so sorry I've misplaced it. I never forgot, just was hoping to find the email.


  1. LOL! That was me!! I just played again for the first time since May. YIKES! I'd still like your code. If you want to. You can e-mail when you have time. I'm working on getting a baby out (I'm due in a week then moving a few days from then). Anyways, I'll get my code to you tomorrow. If, I'm not having a baby!!

  2. Actually, i asked you too...I would love to have your code.


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