
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thanks to Lola

from ..and sew on. Never think no one pays attention to your blog and posts. Someones always watching and reading and looking. She said some very kind words about me on her blog, and I'm so touched. It's just what I needed! Thanks again Lola!!


  1. See what an inspiration you are!!!!

  2. You are inspirational to lots of us! Thanks!

  3. And you thought no one loved you. Silly you. LOL

  4. You are an inspiration without a doubt. I agree, we never know who is reading our blogs.

  5. You changed up your blog....I like it.
    I also read the article she posted about you...that was really nice.

  6. Now...can you remember just a short time ago when you weren't feeling your blog was a success? You were SO wrong!!! LOL

  7. You do have a neat blog! And I notice you are up to 113 followers now. That should tell you something.

  8. Your blog is vey nice, your always busy you deserve the all the nice things said about you.

  9. Ha! even when some things are bad, some little blue bird can fly in an bring a sweet song.
    Glad to see the much deserved praise IN PRINT.

  10. I just read her blog and was quite impressed with how you have inspired her. Keep up the good work!

  11. I'm not surprised at all that you were an inspiration to her...

  12. Awwh Tonya.. had no idea!You are welcome. It is so neat the way we can all touch each other in someway and not even know it! I decided to just say it out loud!! Sewing experience has nothing to do with inspiring some one!
    Not all readers are public followers..I read as much as I can!
    You are on my Blog Roll and I check it every day!!!
    You just keep doing what you do!!!


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