
Monday, September 14, 2009


That's what I say about today.......blahhhh. I woke up very sore this morning. Yesterday as we were getting ready for church, I noticed the spot on my leg that was sore Saturday was very sore and MEGA big Sunday morning. I called my mom (since she's a nurse) and she said anytime something grows that fast over night it's best to have it checked out. to the ER we trot. And we got to the ER because this "thing" is in walking's way. Thankfully, we were in, had minor surgery and was out in about an hour. How awesome was that? Everyone one around us was sick with fevers. We'd like to think, since we were not sick, they were trying to keep us from getting sick in treating us so quickly. So, nothing major, it's all taken care of and I'm much, much better.

Today was the start of my fall class. We knew our book wasn't in for the class. What we didn't know was that there are 5 books for this class. WHAT??? So, we sat there from 8-3 learning prefixes and suffixes, about 200 of them. YAH!!!! And what could make it even more fun? Did she write them on the dry erase board for us to copy at our leisure? NO, she called them out and spelled them to us..................ONE BY ONE. ugggghhhhh I'm really not sure what that was all about or maybe she thought we would learn them better this way. The class is computerized (thank GOD) and it didn't take us long to find the Internet and we all "played" a bit. Anywho, I think it will be much more interesting with books and software.

One good thing to end my day......I had a interview. It went very well, and I'm sooooo hoping for a call to come to work within the next week. Should that call come in, I have permission to drop this class with no penalty to me. Not a big deal, since it has nothing to do with Accounting.

Thanks for letting me vent! This also being the first day I was out all day since being laid off, I am totally exhausted and heading to bed real soon.


  1. Sounds like a rough day to me. Hope you get a good night's restful sleep.

  2. Tonya - what is up with that leg? And that teacher? Well, at least you are getting this one out of the way, is all I can say.

  3. Sounds like a drag of a day for you. Hope you get some rest tonight.

  4. You sure got over your "nothing to say" spell......sheweeeeee

    did they say what the growth was? Gald you are okay.

  5. Hope the leg is better, what was it in the end well hope you are getting some rest
    Hugs Janice

  6. Fingers crossed for a call-back and an offer of that job! I'm glad the leg thing is cleared up...and hope it's nothing that will come back.

  7. What is this "lovely" class?

    Gee, I hope the offer comes in before the books do!

  8. Glad your leg is better! Nothing like those spur of the moment trips to the ER. I hope your job comes through for you!

  9. Keeping fingers crossed that the call comes in!! Take care!!

  10. Hoping you are feeling better soon!! Thoughts and prayers for the job!!

  11. Just remember when you have a day like you had yesterday that there are better days ahead. My husband tells our daughter that and it is true. You can look back on yesterday and say I got through it!

  12. I hope your leg heals quickly. Along with that hope your day goes much better today. It sure doesn't sound like a very interesting class.

  13. You did have a rough day, except for the interview! I hope your leg heals quickly. Ugggg is what I would say to a teacher who spells things out for me to take notes on, Uggggg.....

  14. Tonya hope your leg is better!That class sound a bit like something out of the a"Good Ol' Days!"! Hope it gets better.

  15. I hope you have positive news about the job soon!

    5 books? Goodness that is going be some $$$!

  16. did you get bit by a spider? That is what it reminded me of.
    Hope class turns out better with books...or better yet, that you get the job and can dump the class.


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