
Thursday, September 10, 2009

A loss for words......

Well, now that BINGO is over, I have no idea what to talk about. haha Imagine that, I'm at a loss for blogging words. I'm working on several projects, but don't have anything to show. I have two breast cancer fabric projects in the works. I showed that fabric a couple weeks back. I also have some Christmas table runners in progress, and that D9P I showed a few days ago. So, you see......I am busy, just nothing to show. I did have some time this morning to catch up on my blog reading. I sooo love this blogging thing.


  1. Did you join the red and aqua d9p swap? I've bought my fabric and I'm ready to start - just as soon as I get my Summer Mini in the mail

  2. Busy is good and soon you will have goodies to show.

    I just noticed that you are near by in NC. My daughter lives up that way. Perhaps we will meet.!


  3. Awe I can't wait to see all that you're doing. There are often days I wonder what I'll say as well. Those days, I do like you and read other blogs. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  4. I'm thinking you will have a lot to show us all at once. Wouldn't it be fun if you could meet Silver Thimble Pat????

  5. When I saw your post title...I thought..hummm Tonya at a loss for words? What is up with that? Just a temporary set back I am will come out swinging tomorrow. Have fun working on your projects and now that Bingo (I know my cards were rigged) you will have more time to focus on those projects...

  6. You aren't going to believe this, but as I sit here sewing, I just realized that I am having number withdrawal......

  7. Yes, I also so love this blogging thing!

  8. Hey Tonya, are we ready for another game???????
    Seeing as you are at a loss for words.......
    We could have one called...BLINGO...and send sparkly bits instead of a fat quarter?
    What about that then my bingo caller friend???
    lol Jan xx

  9. I think you'll find plenty to blog about. Welcome back... I've missed you with all that Bingo stuff going on haha.

    Good luck with your courses, college girl! Knock 'em dead!

  10. I am sure you will find something to chat about do it as if we were all there with you
    Hugs Janice


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