
Friday, November 27, 2009


So, I'm not real sure what to blog about. I have to be honest and say, I feel a bit disconnected from the blogging world right now. I know it's just everything that's going on right now. I'm trying hard to stay connected and in touch with everyone, but feel I'm failing terribly at it. I promise to try harder.

The TSO show Wednesday was an awesome break. It was a great show. We did a very small amount of shopping before the show.

Thanksgiving was good. I was a bit under the weather and slept all day. TJ got me up in time to go to my mom's and then I crashed on her couch and slept there. She sent plenty of leftovers home with us, and I had those today. So, today was my Thanksgiving dinner.

We didn't do the Black Friday shopping. However, around 9am..TJ did make a run to a few stores for a few things. He will have to work tomorrow to make up for being off Thanksgiving day.

I'm working on several things at this moment, just nothing to show.


  1. I think we all get into blogging funks every now and then.

    We didn't do any Black Friday stuff either. Nothing is worth fighting those crowds.

  2. So sorry to hear that you're under the weather. Look at the bright side, though, you didn't have to cookk Thanksgiving dinner! I'm sure your blogging funk will pass as well. It's hard to get into it when you have so many other things on your mind to deal with.

  3. Hey Tonya. It will all work out. Don't let the depression monster sneak up on you. Trust me, I speak from experience. If you want to talk about it let me know and we will set up a time and I will call you.

  4. I left a comment, it said it published. I don't see it. ARRRGH

    Anyway, I will be talking to you.

  5. That is so great that you got to see TSO in concert!!! (And that you didn't feel under the weather until AFTER the concert!!!) You'll perk up, Chickie.......we all have "down" times. Hey....just remember how this time last month you were in that class...and now the class is over....THAT might make you smile!!!

  6. Tonya, you take all the time you need. I think we all go through it from time to time. Don't feel pressured to keep up your blog. Other things often come before blogging and should. Just know you're in our thoughts. Hugs..

  7. Hang in there, no pressure. We all have times we don't feel as motivated as others. We will all be here when you come back. Please take care of yourself and don't expect so much of yourself. You are only you and can only do what you can do.

  8. I can relate. It'll come back, though. Sometimes we stretch ourselves a little thin. Unfortunately, we don't realize it till we are ready to break!

  9. I say hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm could it be all that you have gone through in the last month? Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Thinking about you!!

  10. I am way behind on blogging, too, and need to catch up. You have had so much going on lately, I can totally understand why you aren't blogging. Wish I could stop over and visit.
    I will write more later - just stopping in to check on you right now.


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