
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wanna see my turtles?

Someone, (Barb) said I should show my turtles. Here's a few of my collection...
What a great shot, he thought I was going to feed him. You just walk near the tank and they come up to the glass as close to you as they can.
More are coming to the top....there's 5 in there.
these are in the bedroom.......yep, even in the bedroom
i even have a plant stand turtle, never mind the dust
more on the shelf and behind the stockings is a small turtle quilt
the small ones in front of the tv..
and one that watches over me while i sew..

i do love my turtles, i'll share more later..don't want anyone to get "turtled out". lol


  1. I'm like that with frogs and everyone knows how I love them so I continue to "collect" more and more.

    I think I like the live turtles best!!!

  2. What a great collection. I love flamingos and get teased about it, but when I get them unpacked I'll take some photos and share them. And I didn't see any dust...

    It always makes it easy to find a gift for a collector whether it's turtles, frogs or flamingos.

    Thanks Barb for encouraging Tonya to share and thank you Tonya for listening to her.


  3. I love to see the things that people collect. My addiction is mini teasets and individual mini tea cups. Love your turtles.

  4. Oh they are so cute! I'll keep my eyes open for any interesting turtles items I might run across. Do you like turtle fabric, too?

    I am off to our Christmas party now!

  5. I have a turtle foot stool. My kids just loved it when they were little. Turtles are fun.

  6. Interesting collection of turtles. Especially the real ones.

  7. Thanks for showing us your turtles. My favorite kind of turtles are the ones that they sell in the candy store.......chocolate and nuts and stuff like that...gooey but good!!! LOL

  8. They are totally the live ones...thanks for showing them!!

  9. I Love your turtles! What an amazing collection!

  10. It's funny how they think you're going to feed them!

  11. Isn't if fun to have a collection? Love your turtles!


    Go there Tonya, she has a cute purse make out of an old skirt...cute...


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