
Monday, January 11, 2010

Quick Update I got up this morning, I debated seeing the Dr. for my knee. My brother's baby was born today, so we headed to the hospital to see him, and with more walking and steps, I knew I had to see my Dr. So, I did. He says I have fluid gathered on and around my knee. He sent me for an x-ray to see if he can see the cause of the fluid. He will draw this fluid off next Monday. In the meantime, he gave me some anti-inflammatory meds to see if that will reduce the swelling any. He said if after he draws the fluid off and it comes back, he'll do an MRI, that will show a clearer picture. He told me, for some reason, women can easily damage their knees. He basically said, I could have tripped on "air" and damaged it. Or stepped the wrong way, anything really. He also stressed the importance of staying off this knee until next Monday. uggghhh....that's going to be tough. However, I'm going to try and follow his orders, as I want this better yesterday. lol My new wii game came today, and I made TJ do it, so I can see what's it's all about. It's a great exercise program and it really worked him out. I can't wait to do it for myself. I got several emails from my bloggy friends, thanks so much for your concerns.


  1. Well, I'm glad you got it checked. It sounds very painful... stay off it and let it heal! It will give you an excuse to do some sewing, or even just cutting fabric. No errands, no housework... darn. hehe

  2. Follow the doctors orders and stay off it as much as possible.

  3. I'm glad that you did go get it checked out. I know how hard it will be to rest it, but best do it and get this thing healed. Can you hook up your sewing machine to the couch or wherever you are resting it? I don't like the thought that a woman can do that easily.

    I am sure you are dying to try out the new Wii game. What a shame that you can't jump right into it.

    Congratulations Auntie!!!!

  4. I'm glad you followed your instincts and had it checked out. Please listen to your doctor and stay off that knee!

  5. I'm glad to hear that you went to see your doctor today. I've had a similar problem, including drawing fluid off the knee. Being ordered to stay off it, though, means no housework! Take advantage of it and enjoy your sewing room. Stay well.

  6. I'm glad you had it checked but sorry you have to stay off it for a week...I know that won't be easy. (The part about no housework is GOOD but otherwise, it stinks to have to stay sitting down all the time.) Maybe the med will get rid of all the swelling and it won't have to be drained. Congrats on your new nephew!

  7. I agree, follow the doctor's orders. You want this to get better not worse. I know it's difficult yet worth it in the long run. Hugs

  8. Oh, I am sorry to read that your knee is giving you trouble. I on occasion have knee trouble even though I have done nothing. Hope all goes well with you getting better soon.

  9. That is the total pits about your knee...hope it gets better....don't want surgery looking you in the knee.....

  10. I'm sorry hear about your knee. Hope it heals quickly.

  11. stay off of it, the less fluid they have to draw out the better......I love the wii fit too....I do a lot of the yoga and I noticed I have gained alot of flexibility.....21 lbs is awesome! good for you!!!!!

  12. So glad you went & had you knee checked!!
    Congratulations on the baby, Auntie!!

  13. I am glad you went to the doctor. Knees are complicated devices. Move all your quilting close to your chair so you can sew and stay off your knee. Good luck.

  14. Congrats on your new Nephew!!!

    Which hospital? Wilkes? Boone?

    And who's your Doc? I'm just nosy ya know ;)

    Take his advice and stay off your feet.

  15. Well my friend, thank goodness you went to Doc and he checked you over properly. I am sorry to hear how bad you damaged it. Have faith it will get better with his help and yours if you rest it. Let TJ and E do the running around after you, you are worth it.
    I need to be there with you to look after you.....have to make do with a ((((((hug)))))) and lolololol xxxxxx


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