
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An Inspired Post

Yesterday, Rachel from Not-So-Plain-Jane had a great post about things that make her happy to be alive. As I was reading her list, I was creating my own list in my head. Then I started writing it all down and thus this post was born.

Things that make me happy to be alive and just happy in general:

a good writing pen
a call from my mom (even though she only lives 5 miles away)
a new purse
joining the gym today and looking forward to how much better I will feel
loosing 30 lbs
my friends who accept me as I am
my brother when he calls or texts and needs me for something
my blogging friends
my husband who treats me as if I'm a size 2 vs 102
my bff from high school, Stephanie..I "heart" you!
a super clean house (even though I've always heard "a clean house is a sign of boredom")
an unexpected package in the mail
E telling me he loves me completely out of the blue
riding in my car alone and listening to my music as loud as I want
going to see my aunt and cousin and having a blast with them
finishing a sewing project
binding (crazy, huh?)

I'm sure I could think of million more, but to me....these are the small things that make my small world go round.


  1. I love reading things like this about my blogging friends. I also love a good writing pen and a new purse. I don't enjoy hearing from my brother but that is another story. I hope you get into going to the gym. I used to do it and I really enjoyed it.

  2. It's always so nice to think of all the small things that make life so happy for us. Your list reflects it all.

  3. I love your list! I may just make my own.

  4. You're awesome. This is a wonderful list. A good writing pen? Amazing how those little things are so important.

    I think I should type my list on a card, laminate it, and carry it around so that I can read it when I think life stinks!

  5. Those "I love you" right out of the blue are your list....and reading it, you are one lucky lady!! For one, you have me as a doesn't that make you happy?

  6. Brilliant list Tonya, I do hope I am on there somewhere, cos you would def be on mine. I loves ya too buddy. From a distance but there you go.....xxxxxxxxxxx

  7. Hmm.... I didn't see my name, but I think I saw one about me!

    Your list brought a smile to my face.


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