
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mistakes and more mistakes.........

So, Mickey Mouse it is! This is some of the very first fabric I ever bought. I deceided to make some HST (half square triangles) and then make pinwheels. Well, all in good, I was sewing up a storm and half way through I realized, I was sewing red & red on one side and blue & blue on the other. "It's ok", I said. It will be fine. Well, then I go to sew the sides together to make the pinwheel..........see my problem? I just put this all aside, now's it a UFO. uggghhh
After seeing something similar to these out there in blogland, this is my version of a doll dress. (see, I even named it different) I have some "weird fabric" gingham that I've had forever and thought this would be a good project for it. Well, so far, so good. I think their cute. It's a little more "bunchy" than I would like, but it's fine with me. And just to prove I do have other colors of fabric other than green, see below.
I have blue........
and pink, yellow, teal, medium blue and darker blue.


  1. Move the right half to the left side and make a diamond out of that UFO block!

    Whatcha gonna do with the doll dresses? Make E a dressy little quilt? hehehee Just kidding.

  2. Actually Gene, the doll dress quilt is for you! haha

  3. I cant wait to see the doll dress done. I know my cousin would love it. I will have to show them the pic when you post it. What a cute and creative idea!!!!

    Wonderful job!

    Ann Flowers

  4. UGH!! I can SO relate!! I spent last night removing all of the stitching I did the night before! Crud!!

    Cute little dresses!

  5. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who makes mistakes! Your doll dresses are really cute. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

  6. I hate sewing days like that!!! Grrrrr.

    I, too, have seen the doll dress quilts out there. They are so cute.

  7. That dress idea is so cute, can't wait to see it.

  8. I hate it when that happens...pooey...not another UFO??

    Love your dresses and gingham!!

  9. Been there Tonya. Try this tutorial at Vanessa's blog. It's a super easy pinwheel.

    The dresses are gonna make a great quilt!

  10. Hey Tonya,
    we all do it buddy, don't worry about it. It is so easy when you are zipping away at your sewing machine to get one piece misplaced, some folk leave them and say it is that 'God' thing. Me! I have to undo and get it right. I know I wouldn't be able to live with it. So anyway, I love that pinwheel quilt you are making/made, so colourful and Gene, you see diamonds, oh yeah you must be squinting bud, glasses on now and you will see pinwheels for sure.
    Ooooo Tonya I love those dresses, what a great idea, can I copy it please? pretty please, tell you what, we could all make one block and send them all to Gene cos it's obvious he sooo jealous. hahahaha
    Jan xx

  11. the dress is so cute...I love gingham.....


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