
Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm so sore.........

Today we did a "real" hike. Straight up the side of the dam on the lake.
Actually, it wasn't straight up, it was zig zagged up the mountain. However, it was all still up hill.
Once at the top, we walked across the damn and back down the other side. We figured it was about 2 miles and it took us 45 mins. Me, mom and TJ. I'm so sore!

I have been sewing, just not much to show. I'm selling the capri sun bags, coin purses and wallets like hot cakes. So, that is really keeping me busy. I've recently found something that will take the goo off from where the straw is attached to the pouch, so that takes times as well.

This picture is my new profile picture. It's me and mom at the Moses H. Cone Plantation house on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It's a beautiful place, sits on 3600 acres and has 25 miles of walking trails. It was much cooler on this mountain today than ours.

Mom is loosing weight as well, she's lost about 35 lbs, my total as of today is 43 lost.



  1. You and your mama look so cute. I love the Moses Cone house. Wish we could have walked together today.

  2. 45 minutes for that length of hike with the elevation changes is great. Those elevation changes really kick my rear! Congrats to you and your mom!

  3. Sounds like you had a really good walk. Congratulations on the loss!

  4. Wooooo Woooo!!! Yaay for both of you and congratulations!

  5. are doing GREAT!!! I'm not.....*sigh* I really need to try hard to do better.

  6. Hi Tonya. You are doing great! Whoo hoo! You should probably know that the word you mean to spell is "dam" just to keep it G rated. :)

  7. yay for both of sounds like the hike was great!

  8. I am sure that was alot of fun....the sore goes away but the memories will last a life time.

  9. Tonya congratulations on the weight loss and the hike. I too need to get motivated.Thank you for sharing your success with your cyber friends.

  10. Great job on the weight loss!!!

  11. It is always nice to have a buddy to urge you on in the journey. Way to go guys!!!!

  12. How wonderful to be able to spend time with your mom. And - HIGH FIVE - to both of you on the weight loss. It is so hard to do. I'm struggling to keep off what I have lost, and so haven't had any success losing more in the past year.

  13. Awesome!

    Just looking at all those stairs on the plantation house makes my knees hurt...

    Glad you are selling your items, too.

  14. Congratulations to you and your mom! Nice work!

  15. So much good news in one post!

    I can't believe I have never walked across the Dam. Had a friend in high school that swore he went through the Spillway. No clue what he was smoking!

    Love the Moses Cone house too. Aren't the views amazing? Love the picture of you and your Mom! Congrats to you both for your hard work. The benefits are showing!

    And selling your fabulous crafts too! Awesome!

  16. Way to go!


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