
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

See you in June....

The Dr. should never leave anything "up to" me. haha
Nothing major showed up on the MRI. However, he still thinks I have a small tear that is not visible. He gave me two options: let him "scope" around and repair the tear, or try some physical therapy and readdress this in June. DUHHHH........see ya in June Doc.

Seriously, he said the physical therapy would either help or make it worse. I would know right away if it was going to make it worse. Now......I'll check out this physical therapy, but if I have to pay my copay twice a week, I'll have to abort that. My best guess and the docs, he'll be "scoping" around in my knee after June. *fingers crossed it don't get much worse before then, if it does I'm to call him for a quicker appt* I can still walk with minimal pain. Just no weights or squats, nothing that makes my knee completely bend.

My mom looked at me like I was crazy when I told her my decision. haha..........

See You in June Doc. (i hope)


  1. Girl, I thought sure you were going to do the right thing and get it fixed! Do I need to come up there and bend your knee?

  2. You scared me at first - I thought you meant you would be out of touch with us (me) until June!!

  3. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you heal up quickly so that you can get back to your normal activities. Good luck!

  4. I think you made a good choice. At least give the therapy a chance particularly if he said you would know right away if it was going to work.

  5. Well...maybe you better hold off on the physical therapy until after your trip. What if you do the PT for a couple of weeks and it gets worse and it will then be too late to have anything done before the trip???? better just baby that knee between now and vacation and THEN do the PT on it.

  6. I understand wanting to put off any kind of scoping around as long as possible, just don't wait too long. It sounds like you are really in pain. PT can hurt! I'll be thinking of you.

  7. Tonya you have me laughing, I would have done the same thing...see ya doc.....


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