
Monday, May 31, 2010

Button Jars with Mod Podged covered lids.

OK, I admit it. I'm trying to get Amy from Mod Podge Rocks to feature me. Yep, you guessed it!

Red White & Blue Swap

I finally started to put these together.
Cecelia hosted this RWB swap.
Ok, before you call the quilt police, let me first heart and my mind was not with making these blocks at all.
We are in the process of buying our first house.
I didn't want to say anything until it is "almost" a go.
We are so excited!
We were in the process of buying a house before we got married. However; TJ got really sick (his intestines ruptured) 4 months before we were to get married. We even talked of delaying the wedding. We cut our honeymoon very short., 5 years later.....we trying this again. I'll keep you updated through this lengthy process.
Then pictures..........woohoo

Ok, on to see these blocks.....
this one, I really goofed, but I made it work.
this was my, for everyone that was in this swap, let me apologize now....this was during my "heart" issues, and TJ picked out this fabric. It's not sewing fabric. I made this work. I am so sorry you got crappy fabric from me. It's stiff.....It might have been better if I would have washed and dried it. Again, I'm sorry!
love the flowers on this one
I messed this one up too, but it still resembles a star, so I'm ok
love this one too....

now, I have 7 more to go

Sunday, May 30, 2010

For the love of Breast Cancer Awareness.....

...........this is what I did
(I could not get a "good" picture of this, the pink is much lighter, it's the actual color of the breast cancer awareness logo)

This symbol is the lady foot locker awareness symbol. It represent a woman.
There's the head, the arms stretched out, and the ribbon as the lower part of the body. It looks like in the picture the head is attached to the arms. It is all separate. It also looks like it has darker spots than others. It does.......color tattoos scab just like a sore. I didn't know that. None of my black tattoos scabbed like this. So, once it heals and peals, it will be beautiful.

I did this for my mother who has battled breast cancer once and survived.
for my aunt who has battled breast cancer twice and survived.
for my aunt who battled breast cancer once, because she delayed critical treatment, she did not survive, she died at age 38
for my grandmother who battled it once and also did not survive, she also died at the age of 38
my mom was 18 when she lost her mom to breast cancer, I can't imagine loosing my mom as such an early age.
my mom had just graduated high school and had a full scholarship to attend college to get a business degree
she turned down the scholarship, because her mom needed her to care for her at was to start that Aug, her mom died shortly after
and for myself.....I had a scare when I was 24 and had a lump removed, all was well, I escaped it that time around
and for everyone and anyone who will or have battled this awful disease


Thursday, May 27, 2010

I've been into the Mod Podge again

I saw this over on Mod Podge Rocks.

So, I've got this very small vase that I keep my white bobbins in.
What other color would I choose than green?
Waaaa-laaaa.............I love the outcome. So green and pretty.

I used some Sparkle Mod Podge & two drops of green food coloring.
I applied 3 coats to the vase, letting each coat dry before you add the next.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A few things in one Post.

E at awards day today (he needs a haircut, bad)
he got a trophy for being "courteous"
he also got a GOLD medal for reading 150 books....and I was so worried he wasn't reading enough, the only one higher than 150 was 400.....WOW
way to go rock!
here's the bag I've mailed to Sherry who won my "does this make my butt look big" contest
i also sent her a change purse to match, and i put pockets inside her bag
i almost wanted to keep this bag for myself
here's what 22 presents for E's class looks like
he will hand these out on the last day of school, which for us is tomorrow (thursday)

thank you all so much for the thoughts, prayers and hugs
they were very much needed
you are truly the best!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Can you......

just please pray for my little family?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our Cornhole game is completed!

We choose those paint colors based on the thicker fabric I had available for the bean bags. I double stitched all the bean bags, but.....we threw them around a bit and I already see a small hole. So, maybe I need to triple stitch them.

Friday, May 21, 2010

You've got to check out this website.

I just saw the story on my news and found it hilarious.

Now, should you not find it hilarious, don't leave me a message stating so. lol

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two cute little guys......

This was a panel that I've had forever. These are for E's bathroom. I'll put them on a shelf or something. These little guys make me smile.

And, that takes alot today. I'm super bummed!
I had a great interview yesterday, she even "led" me to believe the job would be mine. She was supposed to call me this evening to start the job tomorrow. NO CALL! :(

Maybe, just maybe I'll win that GO!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My entry for IHAN's GO Fabric Cutter Giveaway

This is the option I choose...
Post a in depth look into your fabric stash or sewing area/studio without cleaning or staging a thing (100% honesty only). Photos or videos are a must along with some juicy details :)

So, here goes........I have one picture, but I've numbered it. Click on the picture to see it better and I'll tell you what each # is.

This is super embarrassing and I can't believe I'm showing this. But, hey......she said unedited, no clean up required.
1. Those 6 see through blue lid container all hold fabric that is 1 yard or bigger.
2. I have 4 cube containers that hold WIP's (works in progress).
3. A rose that dear E gave me for Valentine's day.
4. Look very carefully and you'll see a small white sheep E also gave me. It used to sit on my laptop, but he gets demoted every now and then.
5. Two fabric postcards Jan sent me. She is the best! (well, besides Kelly from IHAN)
6. I have no idea what all this is. It surely should not be on MY sewing table. Now, that I look over at is..... court book, legal documents
.....picture frames, the ones left over from mother's day
.....tons of paper work from the totalled car back in November (yes, we're still dealing with issues on that)
.....the handbook to that totaled car (now that's just sad, it can be tossed)
.....a pair of sunglasses that I only wear on the back deck...they are the ridiculously big ones address book
.....some mail that didn't need to be opened right away
and as I touched it to see what else there fell....uggghhh
7. My ironing area...looks small you say? Well, that's because when I don't need this area, I pile everything there.
8. The super trusty Dell Laptop that allows me to read blogs and blog myself. See what's on the screen? IHAN's blog.
9. a super big stack (two stacks) of 5x5 square scraps that I make into yoyo's.
10. the bin where the finished yoyo's land
11. oh precious #11, that would be my old and first ever sewing machine, simply called "ole brother"
12. the mini quilt & pillow I blogged a few days back
13. would be some thread, and that's only 1/4 of it (can you see the tin man's hat in front of the thread, it's on top of a lint roller, beside the canned air)
14. haha, that's the phone that often gets buried...we have to push "locate handset" on the base to find it
15. the bean bags for our Cornhole game...I now have 4 completed, 2 more sewed, not filled and 2 more to go
16. that would be all sorts of odds and ins......patches, needles, templates, labels, Fiber Fabrications business card, rotary cutter blades, sewing machine light bulbs, etc
17. the jar I made a fancy fabric label with Mod Podge won from IHAN, and the fabric I used Pat gave me.
18. my beautiful stash of embroidery thread
19. this would be Miss. new sewing machine, she's not even 6 months old. I love her dearly. She's a Brother SE-350.
20. the first drawer, as you can see is ribbon and lots and lots of it. the second drawer is rotary cutters, markers, pens, mod podge, templates, patterns and more, the third drawer is some finished quilts and my turtle quilt that looks like it will never get finished.
21. the first drawer has bits and pieces of fabric, the second drawer is bigger pieces but smaller than a yard and the third drawer is sheets and much, much bigger pieces, like more than 3 yards, backing fabrics
22. now this just looks like an old rag down there, right? it's not just any old rag, it's the rag that cleans the "sticky" off my capri sun pouches, along with another top secret agent, i scoured the world over for something that would take that sticky off, no one on the Internet would tell what it was, like it was a big secret, so now it's my secret. don't you wish you knew? not really, ok
23. looks like a waste basket huh? nope, more fabric and towels and bibs, mostly embroidery stuff
24. my cozy comfy chair
25. this is all fat quarters, all 3 drawers........i should count these one day, just not today
26. various different has selvage edges in them, i save those
27. yep, that's the same quilt I did a tutorial on how I do binding.........yep, same one
28. my PED embroidery software box
29. the stylish new "strada" purse I got for mother's day, needed a break from Vera Bradley
30. most all the stuff in that red Rubbermaid box need to go to the children's home, it's completed quilts.
31.A pile of mail that really needs to be mailed. In there is my May block for my dozen quilters group. Also in there is the Scooby Doo blanket. And, a package of scraps for Betsy. What you can't see beside that bag of mail is two boxes to be mailed to Lola & Jan.
Sorry ladies, you'll get these soon, I promise. haha
32. a very important laptop bag
33. a stack of notebooks for "when" I was going to make covers for them. haha

OK Kelly......I hope you took time to read each one. I also hope you noticed how very little space I do have for sewing and how "handy" the GO cutter would be for me. Also, I should add this sewing space is in the corner of our living room.

I hope everyone enjoyed this. I did.......except for the time it took. However, it will be so worth it when I win.

Do you Cornhole?

(That almost sounds dirty, don't it?)

(image stolen from the web)

SO, we've been wanting this outdoor game, Cornhole.

It's expensive......well, for us it is. Over $100.00.

With our bright minds, we decided..........WE CAN MAKE THIS.

TJ has a wood shop, and I can make the bean bags.

I have 3 out of the 8 bags made and TJ has all the wood.

Last night he said "when you get up, I'll be in the shop". When I got up at 8 he was asleep in the recliner, where he still is and it's 10:41am. haha

Ours will be brown and cream. Because, that's the kind of fabric I had to use on the bags. lol

So, do you Cornhole?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Want to be inspired?

I've been following Nienie Dialogues for awhile now.

In 2008 she and her husband were in a plane crash.

Be prepared to be inspired!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tree Time BOM #5

Tree Time BOM #5
Originally uploaded by TonyasSewing
BOM #5 down............I love doing these. I usually have these done the day or day after she posts it. I'm running late this month.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Another Mini...and a timeline completion.

Another mini quilt & pillow set sent to me as a Panel from Lola...I just love making these up. I've been struggling awhile with how to label my quilts. I've tried all sorts of things and haven't really found anything I like. Well, last night I think I found it. Click on the picture to see my new "label" in the bottom right hand corner of the quilt. I'll have to work better at getting it straighter and centered. That will come with practice.
And a timeline completed..........*shewwwwww* I think I did more work on this than he did. Reason being, we don't have picture albums. Nope, we have them on the computer. That's a huge minus for this project. However, I did use two "real" pictures, I color copied them so I wouldn't have to send the "real" picture. In case this never makes it back home. Oh, how I'm glad he's on 8 (for this project). haha (click on it and check out that first picture on the bottom row, it's my all time favorite, and when we found out he's allergic to the "bakery" icing).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What I've been up far as sewing goes.

Seriously, I've been busy.
I'm not just sayin that, just'll see...
I had about 10 of these already in stock, the other 21 I've whipped up yesterday and today.
These are Capri Sun & Kool-Aid Jammers. I've got these listed on Ebay & Etsy and they really sell.
This is the inside of the Zippered Coin Change Purse.
This is a wallet I just came up with today. Double Zippered Wallet with Velcro Closure. I have several different types of wallets.
Inside of above wallet, with 2 zippered compartments.
A better picture of inside of double zippered wallet.
This is a tri-fold wallet, no zippers.
Inside of tri-fold wallet....
A bigger version of the Zippered Coin Change Purse......a double....could hold many things.
A Zippered Pencil looks way long, just the way I took the picture I guess.
OK...this was a pencil case and then I turned it into a Zippered Tri-Fold Wallet.
Inside of Zippered Tri-Fold Wallet.

Go me.......working my fingers to the bone.

As I've stated before, I still collect these and would love to have yours. I had several friends that were saving them for me that lived close by. I guess they got tired of keeping them. It's been awhile. I made it easy though, they all kept a bag under their sink and threw the pouches in there. I would hot soapy water wash them here and clean off the sticky residue.

I guess Blogger thought I was uploading to many photos. It kept telling me how much space I was using and how much was left. I have no idea what that was about.

I almost forgot....I owe someone one of these bags. Back from my vacation post and "does this bag make my butt look big" or something like that. The winner of the funniest comment is......
Sherry Goodloe...I've emailed the winner!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

happy mother's day

happy mother's day

we have no big plans for today

me and my brother will have breakfast with mom

me and tj will go fishing

e is not with me today, but that's ok...i'll enjoy the quite that is e not being here

that's the best thing i could ask for right now

i hope you all enjoy the day with or without your children and mom

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Oh yes, with one (1) antibiotic pill in my system, my arm thanks me. It can only get better from here.

Here's some embroidery work I did today.
I will put these in frames for Mother's Day.
I made two of these for E's teacher's, this is teacher appreciation week.

Embroidery Question?

OK......I'm embroidering the word "teacher"....

my bobbin stopped on the "t" and I walked away and didn't notice it until it was on the "e"

is there a way I can go back to where it quit working.

Or else, it will just pick up where the machine is in progress.

Anyone know?

UPDATE: I found out how to go back stitches. If all else fails, read the instructions. lol


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thread in a Pickle Jar

Thread in a Pickle Jar
Originally uploaded by TonyasSewing
What's makes this so cute? That fabric of course. Pat C. sent me some of this fabric, she knows my love of turtles. I also won a charm pack of this same fabric from Lola.

I used Mod Podge to adhere the fabric to the "Mt. Olive" label. I had to first covered it in a dark fabric so the Mt Olive label would not show through. The cutting was the hard part. I cut it with my rotary on the jar. It's a wonder I still have all 10 fingers. haha

If anyone's interested I can do a tutorial. Although, I'm pretty sure it's simple enough you could figure it out.