
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A few things in one Post.

E at awards day today (he needs a haircut, bad)
he got a trophy for being "courteous"
he also got a GOLD medal for reading 150 books....and I was so worried he wasn't reading enough, the only one higher than 150 was 400.....WOW
way to go rock!
here's the bag I've mailed to Sherry who won my "does this make my butt look big" contest
i also sent her a change purse to match, and i put pockets inside her bag
i almost wanted to keep this bag for myself
here's what 22 presents for E's class looks like
he will hand these out on the last day of school, which for us is tomorrow (thursday)

thank you all so much for the thoughts, prayers and hugs
they were very much needed
you are truly the best!!!


  1. Wow you got them all made. Were you up all night?

  2. Way to go! You've got those little bags down pat. Congratulations to E, and to his proud mama.

  3. Congratulations E! We're all so proud of you here in blogland!

    Tonya, I love a kid who loves to read. You did a good job, Mom!

  4. Congratulations to E for the 2 awards. Being courteous is such a good and genuine award. As a teacher I see very few couretous kids.

  5. Congratulations to E. Man!!! That's a lot of work you did there.

  6. Congrats to E....and to YOU, too, for getting all of those bags done for his classmates. WOW!!! You are a sewing dynamo!!! hehehe

  7. Congrats to Little E. Both his awards are for such great achievements. Being courteous is becoming a lost art, in my opinion. You must have raised a nice boy, mama! And 150 books is awesome!

    Hope all is well.

  8. 150 books! Wow! I am impressed. Reading is so good for kids.

  9. Way to go E! Reading is one of the best things you can do. Being courteous is another thing that will carry you through life.
    Congratulations to you too Tanya for finishing all those pouches.

  10. Oooooh Tonya, my bag(s) arrived in the mail today! Thank you so much - I just LOVE them! So much so that I blogged about them *smiles* Stop by when you get a chance.

    Have a great holiday weekend!

  11. 150 books is very amazing.

    Your pouches look very cute.


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