
Friday, June 18, 2010

My flowers from Needled Mom's tut.

I posted her tutorial the other day..
here it is if you missed it............ flowers
Mary's look terrific.
Mine on the other hand.........well you know how bad I am at following directions.

I had the most problem with zig zagging the thread, fishing line, yarn, and string....(cause I tried all those things) and pulling said string tight to bunch of the "flower petals". Whatever I was using always broke. ALWAYS! Maybe I was pulling to hard.

The orange, yellow and white was my first one, it's a bit off.
The four petal one was the second one, I like this one.
and the multicolored one was the last one that kept breaking thread and yard.
I finally sewed a pleat in each petal and spread them out like I wanted, then sewed a "x" into the center to keep them all together, than the yo yo and button.
Not to shabby!
It seems like I always have trouble with the simplest task.


  1. They look great. I really love the yo yo center idea. Sorry that you had problems with the tying process. I tried the machine gathering at first and broke every piece. That is why I came up with the crochet thread. Fishing line???? What ideas we come up with when in need!!!! Too cute!

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself...they look wonderful!!

  3. Tonya, they look great. I use perle cotton to gather mine. Natalie Ross also has a great tutorial on her blog but I cannot find her blog address. Try to goggle it, her flowers are nice too.

  4. They look good, and like Barb said, don't be so hard on yourself. Anytime you try a new skill, it takes a little time to get it the way you want it. Remember the Y seam?

  5. They look very pretty, Tonya!!!

  6. Your flowers look great! Put them on a tote bag and you won't notice any problems :)

    I think I found the flower tutorial that Fiesta mentioned:


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