
Monday, June 14, 2010


Finally 45 blocks made into a quilt top.
OK, this little "cute" quilt has been a labor.
Once I got all those buttons on, I had to take them off, I couldn't stitch around them...with the button on, the foot couldn't get past it. uggghhhhh
Take all the buttons off, then stitch, pull all buttons back on.
Because of that, I don't want to quilt this. Besides it don't have alot of quilting space anywho.
So........I don't even want to "stitch in the ditch", and I don't want to tie it. What's left for a SIMPLE quilting, just something to hold all three layers together?
Any ideas?
I thought about random buttons stitched through all three layers......NOT!
My machine does an * (asterisk) looking stitch, I thought about doing that in every other corner or something similar.
It did turn out bigger than I expected or thought it would. I like it, it was my design, so why wouldn't I like it? haha


  1. I'll be interested in reading what suggestions people have about this. I think I'd probably "echo" quilt by hand around each of the small and medium-sized dresses...but I'm sure others will have some better ideas for you.

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  3. Use a cute fleece backing, skip the quilting. Just bind the edge or blanket stitch it. And maybe secure in 4 points, or more as needed with your astrick stitch. I know totally non traditional but Fleece can be fun.

  4. I once used the bar tack on a quilt that I did not want to tie. I just set the stitch length at 0 and used a medium width zig-zag with a matching thread. It holds the layers together but does not really show. Hope this helps.

  5. My vote is the fleece backing and then do a simple outline around each dress. Baste it well so that is doesn't shift while doing this of course.

    This turned out just darling!! It's so cute that it doesn't need much quilting - just enought to hold it all together.

  6. I'm not a quilter so I don't have a suggestion, but I do know that I love this quilt top!!!

  7. It looks cute Tonya though I have no idea how to help

  8. There is always hand quilting!!!!!! Actually, I like the idea of fleece or flannel backing and a simple tacking stitch. It looks so "girlie".

  9. I like Pat's idea. Echo quilting around the dresses would give added emphasis to the shapes. Cute quilt!

  10. I was thinking "hand quilt" too. You could use white embroidery floss (to match the background) and just sew "straight" lines - just jiggey jagging around the dresses from one edge to the other. And I don't mean those tiny different and use bigger (1/4 inch or larger) stitches. You know, think Gee's Bend!

  11. Oh Tonya, it has turned out just great, I am definitely going to start mine now. I love this. I wish I were near you I would love to quilt it for you. But, maybe you could hand quilt a flower a very simple one in between the dresses, and go round them all, the dresses I mean, in a thread that matches the dress, ie, yellow round yellow, pink round pink etc etc. Tie it on your machine, it is possible you know. I do that a lot when I am not in the mood to fully quilt. Love to see what you do in the end. Tomorrow I am going to sort out some 'pretties' for this. Cant wait now. Thanks for sharing love it.

  12. That is so cute Tonya! Darn those buttons would have made for nice way to do it but sure you do not want to do them a 3rd time...;-)
    How about some random stitched small cute coat hangers or hearts thread to match your background. Make for a cute border quilting motif as well.
    Also could just do a simple X where needed to hold all together.

  13. That quilt is just adorable....and I was going to suggest doing the buttons...hummm sorry...I did that one time...over 116 buttons....

  14. It's cute Tonya, and I don't do dresses!!! I would probably hand quilt round every other dress, I like the sound of quilting a coat hanger!!! Cool!!
    Whatever you decide to do, am sure it will be fab!!!

  15. cute, Cute, CUTE!!! What alot of work. I vote for the handquilting. I love Lola's idea about the hangers. More work, but what a treasure!!!

  16. I would probably echo quilt around the dresses...

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  18. It's adorable! The bar tack idea sounds good.

  19. The dresses came out amazing! I love all the little dresses too.

    I was thinking Gene had a great idea about bigger embroidery running stitches all around the dresses. Or, what it you tool embroidery floss to match the dresses an "re-attach" the buttons like you would if you were tying the quilt. I think it might look cute with the colored floss ties on the front of the buttons. It would be an embellishment and also serve to hold it together.

    Are you going to use this quilt or use it as a wall hanging, or...?


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