
Friday, July 9, 2010

Show your thread stash.

  • Sew Mama Sew wants to see your thread stash for a chance to win some thread.

  • How did you select colors for your personal thread collection? normally, i just pick out colors, nothing specific
  • Do you always match the color perfectly to your project? no, and usually quilt in white
  • Do you ever use contrasting thread? no, although maybe i have once

  • Do you use the same color in the bobbin as the upper thread?
  • yes, by the time i think about doing them different, it's to late
  • What if a fabric has big areas of very different colors?
  • i'll quilt in the color that shows up the most
  • Do you have any tips or suggestions about choosing thread?
  • different threads work better on different machines
  • Can you show us a picture(s) of your thread collection?
  • i added 3 pictures, i also have a small box of "cheap" thread that i can use on my old machine for my capri sun projects
  • Do you ever buy thread because you fall in love with the color (without a particular project in mind)? oh yes, most certainly

  • Do you “invest” in thread?
  • only in embroidery thread, which you see just above
  • What types of thread do you have? (elastic, quilting, all-purpose, wool, etc.)
  • all purpose, quilting and the one i use the most 100% egyptian cotton satin, sounds expensive, but so not.
(i have no idea why it spaced my lines so far apart, maybe because i copied and pasted from her site, sorry)


  1. Tonya your threads look so good. can you tell me what cotton satin is? I am always looking for new threads to use.

  2. I really don't have a thread stash, but you've got some lovely looking spools.

  3. I have lots of colors and most of the time I use cream. LOL

  4. I love your embroidery threads :)

    I've never seen the satin thread before. Which brand do you use, so I can google it!

  5. They look so pretty, shame to use them isn't it.

  6. I used to be crazy enough when piecing quilt blocks together to try to match my thread to the fabric. dawned on me that the thread didn't even was inside the I used most any color for piecing. For things that will show, though, I try to match the fabric a lot...other times use a neutral color.

  7. Cool! I tend to go through white thread like I breathe!

  8. I hope you win!

    I have been taking a quilting class, recently we talked more about the thread. It has me more aware of what kinds of thread I should be using. Your tread stash is very colorful.


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