
Friday, August 13, 2010

A different kind of giveaway

but a wonderful giveaway, none the less
i have teamed up with TerraCycle and am now an "official" TerraCycle blogger
exciting, right?
you can click on the official blogger button over on the right side bar
and that will take you to their fb page and you can read more about them
once you check out their website, you'll understand why

TerraCycle has something very exciting coming up Aug 21, 2010
The National Geographic Channel has created a reality show that follows us around as we do our jobs and try to think of solutions for waste, called Garbage Moguls. This show about TerraCycle will air on August 21st starting at 8pm, following a re-airing of the pilot episode at 7pm (which originally aired Earth Day 2009).

The first episode (starting at 8pm) is known as the “Pet Episode” and will be about our attempts to find solutions for pet food packaging waste. You can watch sneak peaks of this episode by going here:

So, to celebrate their upcoming show, i'll be giving away 3 of TerraCycle's Stain and Odor Remover

"TerraCycle's Stain and Odor Remover uses nature's own processes to naturally lift and remove stubborn pet stains and odors. Odors are not just masked, they are eliminated! This non-toxic, biodegradable solution will naturally get rid of stains and odors caused from feces, urine, blood, vomit and dirt without the use of harsh chemicals. Perfectly safe to use on carpets, upholstery, bedding, clothes or any other water-safe surface."

Interesting, right?

To enter, just leave a comment and let me know what kind of pet you have.
Let all your pet friendly friends know.
This contest will end on the 21st.  That will be a great reminder to you to watch the upcoming show on that same day.

Thanks TerraCycle for this great chance to win a fabulous product.


  1. Well, cool! I have two crazy dogs and an ancient cat, so odor and stain remover might come in handy.

  2. I am not entering...but - I think your creations with juice drink pouches are far cooler than the "fence" they make out of them.

  3. I'm not entering pets....but love the idea

  4. I have a guinea pig and a cat.


  5. This is really cool. I have two dogs.

  6. I am 100% for recycling and we only have a fish. Our dog passed away and we are looking into getting another one in Sept. Congratulations for being a part of a wonderful solution.


  7. We have two (sibling) Siberian Husky's; age 7 they are not my problem. The previous owner of this home had a little dog and we are now discovering carpet stains in one of the rooms; there is no smell but the stains are surfacing.

  8. I was going to make an old people joke and use my husband but decided not to....he would kill me....we have not pets so dont' enter me...just wanted you to know I came by and what you are doing is awesome!

  9. I have a cat and I LOVE Terracycle! I'm a teacher and I run many different Terracycle brigades out of my classroom. Thanks for spreading the word!

  10. Hi I have 2 Beagles and 2 cats so would love to try it out


  11. How does it work on mouse urine?? House was closed up for a couple of years, providing a great spot for the little critters to live here.

  12. What a cool giveaway. I have two dogs, so hope I win!

  13. We have two dogs and one cat! Awesome eco friendly giveaway!

    embattledsparkle @

  14. We have two doggies, one of which had an accident all over the bathroom hall and stairs this morning. We could sure use this product to help clean the area rugs. They still smell after soaking and then washing in the machine. Yigh!

  15. One cat and two dogs. I need this! Oh and two kids.

    rneorr (at) yahoo (dot) com


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