
Friday, October 22, 2010

What to start on next?

Have you ever had trouble deciding what to start sewing on next?
I've been struggling with these for a few weeks now.
I just don't know what to do next?
I've never had this problem before.
I have gotten a few things out and started or worked on them, to only end up packing them back up and not wanting to work on that.
I'm just trying different things to see if something will catch my interest. 
Nothing I loosing my sewing mojo?
I can't be, I want it to come back.
Please come back mojo, please.

What to do, what to do?


  1. Grab a copy of the November/December issue of Quiltmaker and make Anita's Arrowhead. What a great pattern!

  2. wait patiently for it to return!
    when I have a lull in creativity I have learnt not to fight it or I just end up wasting fabric and getting frustrated!
    It will cm back!
    Go for walking, take baths, read a book and it will soon return!

  3. Meanwhile, make a Project Linus Quilt!

  4. pull out a quilt book or magazine, make a cup of tea, put your feet up, and dream

  5. I usually have so many things planned that I never wonder what to do next. I just wonder how I'll get it all done.

  6. Boy! Do I hear you! Life has been so crazy this year, all I have sewn is: 3 inch seam repair for Devine Miss M, altered her Daddy's suit and made her Grandpa a pair of trews (Plaid Scottish pants.) My son looked a little freaked out when I told him this the other day.
    Ok, lets chat: Sewmm! Sewmm! Sewmm!

  7. Don't force it. It's never pretty when you do. When you're ready to get back to it, something will excite you.

    How are you feeling?

  8. Oh...I've had that happen a LOT. Don't let it worry you......eventually, you will feel like doing something.

  9. Wow...I always have a stack of something I can pick up. I guess I have too many stacks!

  10. Been there, done that. But, you know what, it usually doesn't last because something or someone will come along that gets me all fired up. Think sometimes we just have to take a little break. Sometimes just putting aside things I have and checking out a new magazine or visiting a quilt shop to see what's new helps motivate me to get going again. Don't worry! Before you know it you will be in over your head working on projects. Nola

  11. What I have done when that happens is to make a comfort/charity quilt. When I don't have something else in mind I make a D9P and by the time I have that pieced and quilted I am on a roll again.

  12. Oh, do I hear you. I do that, but just get a little started, and then I have all these UFOs hanging about.

  13. Yes this happens to everyone at some point. Something will motivate you again just give it a bit of time. I know you have not felt well and that can be part of it too.
    I can get back on track after I do a good clean up of my sewing spot. For some reason I want to mess it up AGAIN... haha!!


  14. I hope that you find something that you really will love to do!

  15. I gotta be in the mood for certain projects! I am sure you will be creating some thing fabulous very soon.

  16. I too have to be in a certain mood for different things. And the boys do too.

    Like I won't dig out a quilt to quilt if the boys are being onery...I won't get anything done. So I pull out blocks to put together or something fast.

    Have you ever tried a quilting bee??

  17. Trust me...the MOJO returns. Sometimes I wonder why I have all this stuff and consider getting rid of it..but then I get that fire in my soul again to stitch. Yours will return.

  18. It was a full moon weekend, so now that the weekend is over your mojo will come back.

  19. Ah, just start clearing out/reorganizing your sewingroom, it works wonders for me.


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