
Monday, November 29, 2010

Have you hugged your tree today?

evan decorated it all by himself
can't you tell?
see the gaps of no ornaments?
i'm not going to fix it either, he's so proud!
thank goodness the lights are already on the tree

remember to hug your tree

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Please forgive me for being a terrible "updater"....

My test results.....

they did find 3 small lumps that are too small to biopsy.

They are going to keep an eye on them and will do another mammo in May.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Accuquilt's First Black Friday Sale

Because you follow my blog, you get this sneak peek.
Aren't you glad you follow me now?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Serena the Model

yep, didn't ya'll know she was a model?
thing is...she works just for me....haha

she commented on Facebook that she liked my zipper earrings
and since her and her sister are just alike and sweet as can be
i sent them both a pair

she blogged this picture and me yesterday on her blog
go check her out

thanks serena, i love ya girl

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Do you see what I see?

you might need to click on the picture....

see that warped bobbin?

what in the world?

how does that happen?

i've been looking at it for quite a while...

i know i made this bobbin on my old machine, cause i had the new machine set up for embroidery, this was a embroidery bobbin thread bobbin.....i know it's a lot finer thread, but i'm not really sure why this happened.....

anywho, i'll wind it on another bobbin and maybe not let it get that full and see what happens...

thank you all so much for your emails, thoughts and prayers....

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Sliver of the Moon

(click on this picture to appreciate it's beauty)

see the sliver of the moon?
for me, it's:

thank you Lord for this amazing view
i'll take it as your way of telling me
"it's all gonna be alright"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My worst fear...

(sorry if your male and reading this)

i'm re-living for the second time in my life

i have an "issue" with my left breast...
my family history of breast cancer is off the charts..
(mom = one time breast cancer survivor
aunt = two time breast cancer survivor
aunt = did not survive breast cancer
grandma = did not survive breast cancer)
now you know why it's my worst fear?
i waited a week before calling my dr, i wanted to be sure i hadn't bumped it and forgot about it, so i was giving the soreness time to go away
yeah, soreness
people have been telling me, it's sore?  then it's not cancer!
not mom's both times and my aunts both times were sore and hurt.
not sure why, but that's been their history
my first time (not cancer) but a lump, was not sore and it was removed when i was 24

it's so sore i can't bump against it and i'm wearing a sports bra around the clock, can't stand to go without it, gravity is not being nice to me

i have a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound on the 12th
please just pray my mind will be some what at ease.....with the 12th being on a Friday i don't expect results that day

love you all