
Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Please forgive me for being a terrible "updater"....

My test results.....

they did find 3 small lumps that are too small to biopsy.

They are going to keep an eye on them and will do another mammo in May.


  1. I don't know that there is another way to handle it medically, but the waiting around sure won't be fun.

  2. I know that having this in the back of your mind is daunting but...hang in there girlie!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  3. Hi Tanya!
    My tests are very similar! My lung nodules are stable - have to wait 3 months for another CT scan.....let's enjoy the holidays and forget about medical stuff for awhile!!

  4. think positive....once I had to go back 6 months later and it turned out to be nothing.

  5. As much as I hate waiting, maybe that is a good thing.

  6. Hi Tanya. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  7. We were all hoping for good news. Are you O.K.? Keep checking on your own and hopefully May will bring the good news we all want to hear.

  8. We'll all keep sending waves of positive thinking in your direction. That is a long time to be patient. Happy Turkey Day!

  9. Hang in there. I've had to have 6 month check ups for the last 18 months while they continue to "watch" things. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.

  10. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!

  11. glad to hear something. keeping a watch out is nothing compared to you have cancer. good thoughts, good energy and good attitude. those spots are nothing.

  12. Will be thinking of you in the next while. Please keep us posted and do have that checkup in May. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Nola

  13. Doctors tend to err on the side of caution, so I doubt they'd just "wait" if they thought the lumps were cancerous.

  14. Thinking of you my lovely friend, although I may not be on here as much as I used to of late, you are always in my thoughts.
    jan xxxxxxxxxxxxx(((((oooooooo)))))xxxxxxxxxx
    just to keep you going.

  15. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, but I agree with Pat that doctor's tend to be cautious and conservative, and wouldn't recommend a wait if they suspected a serious problem.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. What everybody else said! Sending hugs up the hill!

  17. Praying that May brings good news.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. I'm going through the same thing. I have to go back in Feb. Please know someone empathizes with what you are going through. The 'unknowing' of it all can really be a bugger! Take care of yourself!

  19. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  20. It has been a while since I have stopped by to visit your blog. I will keep you in my prayers.

  21. I know how frightened you must be, but keep the faith that in May all will work out.

  22. Hi Tonya,
    I am glad you finally got your results, but I feel for you that the news wasn't as positive as you would like.
    I doubt any words can make you worry less, but worrying wont make you better either!
    Save your energy for having a lovely Christmas.
    Its a good sign that they wont get you back until May, if they thought it was more serious, surely they would have had you in already, or given you treatment, so try not to let it rule every second of your life.
    Easy for me to say, I know.
    Sending you love and strength as always


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