
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tree Time BOM-Finished!

these are blocks 11 & 12
I stayed caught up the entire year until these two blocks.
I just fell behind.
Now, i'll have to trim them all to the same size, and find some sashing for them
either green or red.
I used the same background in all of them, as well as the same color of thread, and used all the same Christmas fabrics throughout.

I'm going to start trimming these and see how they all look together.

This was my first BOM and I loved every minute of it.  Thanks so much Molly!


  1. Very cute. It will make such a great Christmas quilt. I can't wait to see it sashed.

  2. You did a great job, Tonya. I only started the first block and then never even finished that.....just can't seem to keep up on BOM projects. *sigh* Yours is going to be a super quilt when it's completed.

  3. These last 2 look great. I look forward to seeing the whol project. I always have the best of intentions with BOMs, but seldom keep up with them.

  4. Love your blocks. I fell behind too ~ got to get these last two blocks finished. I also used the same background fabric. I can't wait to see your finished product. Girl, we gotta get these done. Molly is planning another BOM for 2011 -- BOOTS! I've seen them -- CUTE!!!!!!!

  5. You are so good at doing these things. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  6. What a fun project! Can't wait to see all of it put together!

    How did you get started on this? Is there a Block of the Month club?


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