
Monday, January 17, 2011

Question ? ?

(the $50.00 giveaway is here)

i've lost the pattern to this, so i'm winging it
it's an old UFO

i've got the hexies all pieced together and now i'm attempting to join them into rows, do i really sew it together in rows just like it's laying?  cause that is tricky

i've got the first two joined, that first red one and the half blue one.....perfect, it all lines up, but the further i go down the row, the more and more they are off and not lining up, i guess i could pin, pin, pin

i just want to make sure this is how i go about sewing the rows....i'm think the pattern had a trick to doing this, but i can't remember.  the pattern was a small piece of paper folded up, therefore making it easier for ME to loose it

any help would be sooo appreciated

update:  i may have found the trick piecing them together one at a time, and not in row form


  1. Oh, Tonya, I just don't know. Hopefully someone will, though. That would be really pretty finished.

  2. I am not the one to ask! LOL. I hope you get it.

  3. I don't know either but it sure is pretty.

  4. You've got the answer. I made a Grandmother's Flower Garden by hand, so email me if you need any help.

  5. I'm glad you found the answer. Are you going to TELL us the answer? LOL

  6. Whenever I have done these I have sewn the halves into strips - alternating direction of the hex - and then the rows are assembled down the center seam of each hex..... however you do it - love that fabric!

  7. I've done the same as Regina only sewing half the hexagon then sewing together lengthwise in strips then sewing rows together to make whole hexagons. But if you've already sewn the hexagons maybe sew together by hand. They look great anyway.

  8. Go to She has a tutorial on the hexagon quilt. I have it as a ufo also. But have the pattern. Good Luck

  9. as brenda said... come visit my blog. i have a few tutorials showing how to do them... and all of the tutorials are with no Y seams!


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