
Friday, February 25, 2011

500th Post

WOW, I started blogging in 2007 and have hit my 500th post.
TJ said "I thought it was more like 5,000"
haha, he's so funny

So, here's what we are going to do.
I've recently got a new "tool" for blogging.
It's awesome and I can't believe I've waited this long.
It helps in other things as well.
I'm pretty certain I haven't told anyone of this "tool".

I want you to guess what my new "tool" is.
Guess as many times as you want, all in separate comments.
You don't have to blog this or tell anyone, that just lowers your chances of winning.
Don't you love the way I think?
But, if you feel so inclined to share the goodness, go ahead.

Now, I'll only choose a winner from correct guesses and you won't know if you are correct, cause I don't want you telling other's the correct guess.
You can guess till 3/01/2011 12pm noon my time, Eastern
I'll close guessing then.

oh yeah, want to know what you will win?
*8 fat quarters (i don't know the line)
*5 spools of beautiful colored thread
*a set of 6 fruit fabric magnets I made
*a button bracelet I made

how's that for a 500th post giveaway
leave your guesses, can't wait to see what you'll all guess


  1. Ummmmm.....did you get another new phone....a super-duper one that can do your blog and lots of other stuff, too?

  2. My guess is Windows Live Writer. I use it all the time and I love it.

  3. I'll guess an i-pad, too. (If more than one of us guesses it, you'll pick a winner from all who are correct, right?)

  4. Hmmmmmm........let me see....I feel another guess coming on. Did you get a desktop computer? (I think you had been using a laptop but maybe you now went to a desktop?)

  5. Just a wild guess, but did you add titles with links to the top of your header? I guess there is a real name for these, but I can't think of it :-(

  6. Is blogger helping you out in some way. In my case my help is my hubby, he's my proof reader. You wanna borrow him?
    Congratulations on 500th!!!

  7. An iPad? I just got one and love it.

  8. I'm not even sure this is out yet, but I heard about something called an Android Pad.....and it sounded like it was pretty neat and useful. Maybe it's out and you got one?

  9. A Droid phone?
    Just guessing. I want one.
    Congratulations. Happy 500th post!

  10. Congrats on 500, Tonya. I'll guess and i-pad. Thanks for a chance.

  11. I'm guessing an I-Pad. Great giveaway - thank you so much for the chance! And congratulations on 500 posts! ;)

  12. I'm guessing a new high tech phone too...I don't know the differences with ipads or droids or just a high tech phone with picture capabilities and internet you can post away from home?
    congrats on 500!

  13. I feel certain that it is your Droid. Mine is so handy.

  14. I'm guessing ipad. Maybe? Or i pod? That fabric is Dena Designs, I'm almost positive.

  15. Congrats on 500. My guess is the Facebook page. I know nothing about blogging so it is a BIG guess!

    Sandy A

  16. I guess it is something where you just talk away and it types on your computer for you. Just a wild guess!

  17. A phone that you can get online with!

  18. How about a netbook! I have a pink acer and love it!

  19. Did you tell Gene? He sounds very sure of himself, so I'll guess droid phone too.

  20. Or maybe you got an ipad. That would be nice.

  21. Or you got a new camera because the photo in this post looks very nice. Congrats on 500 posts and thanks for the chance to win those goodies.

  22. You've acquired someone to blog for you at the push of a button???

  23. Congrats on 500!!!! You're blog doesn't look a post over 175!

  24. I'm going to say "Webkit" app.
    Congratulations on 500 posts!

  25. Tanya ~ congrats on 500 ~ I think you might have gotten a new camera

  26. Congrats on your 500 posts!
    I guess it is an ipad :)

  27. Congrats on 500! I'm going with the iPad also. That is on my wish list.

  28. I guess I "need" to try once more and say your new Droid phone.

  29. Well Tonya I will guess a droid. It has to be something like that for sure!

  30. Congrats on 500!!!

    My guess is duct tape for TJ's smart mouth! Just kidding TJ - luv ya! Your droid phone or a new dictionary - I have no clue.

  31. My guess would be an ipad.....nothing else comes to mind.

  32. posts is fantastic congratulations! The giveaway prize is fantastic thank you for being so generous!!

    My first guess would be a Camera:)

    Ann Flowers

  33. a wonderful new digital camera mlwright29 (at)hotmail(dot)com

  34. A big ol room size computer that also washes dishes and makes the beds?

  35. Gee, your blog "acts" different than before. Did you have a blog makeover (professional) with nice new tabs and additional features?

  36. Congratulations on your 500th post. Did you buy some software that will help you write your blog and manage photos?

  37. Congratulations! I am wondering if you are using Windows Live Writer. I love it!

  38. And if not the live writer, then maybe Picnik? Haven't used it because I love Picasa, but it looks cool.

  39. Hey, maybe it is Picasa! Great tool!

  40. OMG! Did you get an IPad? I'd be very jealous!

  41. I think you got one of those cool Galaxy Pad computers.

  42. A dictionary? (That's old school)

  43. I read the hint. Did you get a new desktop computer? Much easier to blog and type on than a laptop.

  44. A new camera? Mine sure helps me with blogging! Congrat's on 500 posts!

  45. I read your second post and was about to say "A husband" but then I read your about me first, already have one of those so hmmmmmmm I guess a mechanical pencil?
    or...see next post

    Ann Flowers

  46. Possibly a typewriter?

    Ann Flowers

  47. ok my son and I are sitting here trying to think of "old school" when I said "she says not in the last 10 years" (he is only 14) he said "Oh my I have no idea" lol he thinks I am old;)

    So we came up with a Tripod.

    Ann Flowers

  48. Oh no ...... you are using a laptop.... could it be that you finally broke down and got a regular MOUSE to plug in to it?????

  49. I think you got a new camera. Your pictures are so clear. What nifty idea!

  50. I'm guessing a desktop computer. Mine is much better than my laptop.

  51. When I had an older laptop, I bought an extra mouse as it was easier to use than a joy stick or a touchpad control. Later, I had a wireless mouse at work and that was great too.

  52. Happy Blogiversary Tonya! Just thought I would check in with you and here you're having your 500th post. Whoo Hoo!! Did you get a new keyboard maybe?

  53. I just got the new IPAD, so maybe it's an IPAD?

  54. How about a new laptop? Okay, I give up. LOL Have a good weekend.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I'm giving another guess that you got a new digital camera.

  57. I am guessing a new computer or laptop. However, when I had a laptop, I found it was harder to blog. So my guys gave me a new desktop computer and it made all the difference in the world for me. But then again, I am computer illiterate :-(
