
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Before & After

 my free motion quilting foot....i always feel like i'm hovering over my machine to see exactly where the needle is going, i struggle with this, i knew there had to be a better way
i also have a all metal foot just like this half plastic one, i knew i couldn't alter it in any way
 waaaa-laaaaaa....see 1st picture where those red lines are, well...that's exactly what i cut, sawed, gnawed, chewed, trimmed off....
ahhhhhhh, this is nice, i love being able to see exactly where the needle is going next
it may or may not have taken all these tools for me to get that piece out

(i feel much better today and i think i'll try riding our new bikes tomorrow, baby steps
thanks so much to you all for your kind "get well wishes")


  1. Whatever it takes to get the foot where it WORKS! I'm sending love your way :-}pokey

  2. I think it's too cute!! Us girls can always find a solution, no matter what it takes, LOL! (Especially when it comes to our quilting!!!)

  3. So, just exactly how did you use the seam ripper to remove that piece??/

  4. I laughed when I saw the seam ripper!!! Good for you for making it work!

  5. I have not yet been brave enough to risk ruining a foot. Those hopping feet are expensive!

  6. My free motion foot came open like that. I know I would have altered it also if mine looked like your's.

  7. If you can't find what you like, make it yourself! Way to go!

  8. I love my darning foot. Hope your's works better now. Hugs

  9. Singer needs to hire you to be a lead person in their Produce Design and Development Division.

  10. My lips are seeled. I won't let anyone know your FOOT had SURGERY...LOL

  11. When I had my old Singer, I did exactly as you have, butchered a foot. Much easier to see.
    Hey Gene, come on, chop away, you know it makes sense.

  12. I love my open toe quilting foot! I have heard people complain that it gets caught on the thread if you thread baste or on the edges or raw edge applique, but I think I could manage that with the closed toe, too!!

  13. It's strange but I cannot picture my FMQ foot right now and I use it often. I believe I have one of those closed toe metal ones. I haven't had any problems not being able to see but your plastic one looks like that would be a problem. Great job on doing a bit of surgery to get it to work the way you like.

  14. we do what we need to do....I remember when you made your own accuquilt cutter!!!! haha

  15. How did you make your own accuquilt cutter?


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