
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

snippets of california...part II

thank you all for the nice comments on part I of "snippets of california"
(and, the ear wasn't that bad)
ready for part II?
 this is looking at the beach from the santa cruz beach boardwalk
the two figures you see wayyyy out there above the blue sign are E and grammy
 looking from the boardwalk to the santa cruz warf
 again, looking towards the warf
E and grammy are between the 2nd and 3rd orange barrels
 palm trees on the santa cruz boardwalk
i love palm trees, we don't have those here in the mountains
they obviously don't like them, they keep telling me rats live in them, ewww
 gg, tj's was very cold, like upper 40's and there were people in the ocean....
 who else.......yours truly and hers truly
 another view of the boardwalk
 remember these are cell phone pics
you can see me, tj and e waiting in line to ride the carousel
 volleyball anyone?
 this is was even colder here and look at the people in the water
it was spring break for these folks, and they weren't wasting any time
 the two little kids sitting on the bank had a blast
we watched them for over an hour
 everyone was feeding this guy.......
 i would have loved to see capitola on a clear sunny day
 this restaurant hadn't yet opened for the season
 look how cloudy, rainy and just nasty it was
 after a tiring day on the boardwalk
enjoying some ice cream with gg


  1. Looks as if a good time was had by all! I hope you got rested and refreshed!

  2. It has been so nice of you to share your vacation with us. I love ocean beaches and boardwalks are the greatest.

  3. Brrr...looks so cold! My first (and only) trip to California was pretty chilly too. Who knew San Francisco could be so cold in JULY?

    Still, though, I would venture to say you all (Y'all?) had a great time!

  4. Those are great pictures for a cell phone. I never knew rats lived in PALM TREES! UGH! Anyway ... Such a nice vacation. Thanks for sharing, Tonya.

  5. Mmmm....great, now I am craving ice cream! That one E has sure looks yummy. Stormy here today. We got sent home from work - yep it is that bad, just not here yet.

  6. I wish the weather had been nicer for you guys. It was just a downright cold week! It always amazes me when I see so many folks in the water when the air is so darn cold. Guess one cannot waste spring break. DUH!

  7. Awesome pictures!! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!!

  8. I'm enjoying seeing your photos but I must say, that the beach there isn't what I expected. Maybe I'm just partial to my east coast beaches (in NJ and in DE). LOL

  9. We have loads of palm trees here. I'm not sure rats live in all of them. At the mall, they do for sure. Big ones. I was shocked to see them. All these years in Florida and I'd never seen one in a palm tree.

  10. Great photos. Sounds like a fabulous trip! Ice Cream looks soooo good.


  11. Even if the weather wasn't cooperating it looks as if y'all had a great trip! Were the nuts going in to the cold water at least wearing wet suits?


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