
Monday, June 27, 2011

Thanks Judy M.

i'm ashamed to say i lost your email address
however, i know you found me through my blog
so i'm hoping you still read it

thanks so much for the juice pouches
i've never had any of these "honest kids" pouches
i love them

below, i made a zippered pencil pouch that can go in a 3 ring binder

thanks so much to Judy M. from California


  1. That is excellent! I have never seen those either. Yaay for Judy M.

  2. I like this one very much. It's not too totally cute ;)

  3. I've not seen that brand either - very different.

  4. Love the name of those juices!!! Very cute.

  5. What a cute name...and I've also never heard of it, but I'm glad Judy sent them to you!

  6. Glad you got them ok. and could use them. You made the pencil case so fast. You should be getting some more in a month or so.

    Judy M
    Santa Barbara, Calif.


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