
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mushu &..........Peas & Carrots

Mushu has found a home (for now, or for that time being.  He has since moved.)
He was rest against my peas & carrots blocks.  He begged me not to move the blocks, saying if I did he would fall over.  I assure him, if he fell; he would be just fine.  And he was.  Bless his heart! 
 I assembled those blocks to make this rag quilt.
I wanted it just a tad bigger, so I used some the backing fabric to frame the outside of the quilt.
 I love the back.  So crinkly.
This was 3 charm packs of 29 charm squares each of 
Peas & Carrots
by American Jane Patterns Sandy Klop for Moda
I love American Jane.
Here are 3 finished quilts for my Project Linus Chapter I did this weekend.
The middle one someone sent to me as a completed quilt top and I finished it from there.
The other two I pieced with a jelly roll.


  1. Nice PL quilts! Mushu doesn't "know" he is stuffed and padded and won't get hurt if he falls! Shhhhhh.....don't tell him!

  2. Tell Mushu that Minnie Monkey saw him and waved hello!

  3. Great looking quilts. I hope Mushu likes them too.

  4. I would love to learn how to quilt!Very pretty work!

  5. I love the middle one with those great socks!


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