Monday, September 28, 2009
Let's Talk about School.....
OK, although I'm not enjoying this class as much as I would like. It isn't so bad after all. Yes, those are the dreaded books, and the one that's spiral you can't see the name of it is my CPT code book. The other spiral is for notes and half full. The days are still long while I'm there, we're there for 6 hours in one class. She does give us plenty of breaks, thank goodness. That really helps to break up the day. We now have a test every day, Mon-Wed-Fri. We've had 3 so far and I've 88, an 81 and today an 98. WOOHOO, I've surprised myself with those grades. It really helps you make good grades if you like the class and such. Anywho, I want to thank you all that have told me to hang in there and stick with it, that it would get better. You all were right. THANKS, I "heart" you all!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nature's Best Quilt Contest-Go Vote (for me) Click this link to vote, my quilt is under Small Projects, named "Falling Leaves". Well, I tried to upload a pic of the quilt. However, Blogger is not being nice. So after or before you vote, click on pictures of entries and you can see them all. Just remember to vote for me. Thanks.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My Summertime Mini Quilt Received.
Oh how wonderful this quilt is. Oh my gosh, I'm so in love right now. She hit the nail right on the head when she made this quilt for me. I don't think she has a blog. I have been in email contact with her, and have asked if she has a blog. Once I find out, I'll let you all know. Remember, that's how you all met Cecelia, she was my Spring mini quilt swap partner. So, this is from Sherry in NJ. Thanks so much Sherry!!
Now you all know why this quilt is perfect for me. TURTLES....this will hang right above the turtle tank.
FYI: never mind that Facebook status you see over there to the right, my husband did that himself. lol
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
So glad this is done.........
Pastor Appreciation Quilt for a friend of a friends Pastor. I was asked several months ago if I would put these blocks together into a quilt. I was very hesitant. I love making things and giving them away. I don't love making something as a job. Make sense?
So, she started sending me the blocks a few at a time. I waited till I got them all so I would know how many was coming. They were all different sizes. I had to come up with a common size to square them all up to. That ended up being 8x8". I could see this quilt was becoming bigger than I thought or bigger than I wanted to work with. I hung in there and keep on stitching. I went with a thin border between each block. The color I used is a Royal Purple. That's the color she wanted. After a few weeks of hard work, this baby is finished and in the mail.
I enjoyed seeing each block and how the kids decorated them. However, I did not enjoy putting this all together. Just glad it's done and I hope the Pastor loves it.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Yes, I did forget.
So, without further delay, the winner of "The Pumpkin Patch" is Cecelia from Sew Quilty. Cecelia, I had your address, but I'm not sure I know where it is. So you if could email it to me, I will get this out to you tomorrow. Thanks to all who entered.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I love gifts.
I haven't posted in a few days. I'm getting slack, or school is kicking my butt. You decide which. I will let you know, I've came in from school Mon-Wed-Fri and went to bed each day. Had to have a nap. haha
I need to give credit for these lovely gifts I've received in the past few weeks. The friendship bag on the left with the TURTLE button came from Cecelia @ Sew Quilty The friendship bag on the right with more white on it came from Bronwen @ Bateau Rose Bronwen was my swap partner for the friendship bag swap from the Quilting Gallery. And last of all, Melissa @ Ardea's Nest she was the winner of my QUILT/BINGO. So nice of her to send this my way. It's a tissue purse. Or that's what I'm calling it. I love it. I love gifts. Thanks ladies so much for the wonderful gifts.
Be sure to check out Melissa's Quilt bingo blogspot for her round of bingo starting tomorrow. I'm sure it's not to late to get in on the action.
I am working on several sewing projects. I'm almost finished with a Pastor Appreciation Quilt I was asked to put together for a church. It's looking good. I'll post it when it's completed.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
How about a giveaway?
This is my 197th post. Now, I know most of my latest post were BINGO related. But, a giveaway is a giveaway, right? Ok, don't go blogging this and don't tell anyone. This is just for my "loyal" followers. It's not a huge gift, but I whipped this together the other day, and I think it's just precious. It says on the wagon, "Fall Pumpkin Patch". So, if you like this and would like to win it, just let me know. I'll draw a name Monday, Sept 21st. Sound good? I'll put a label on it once we draw for a winner.
Monday, September 14, 2009
That's what I say about today.......blahhhh. I woke up very sore this morning. Yesterday as we were getting ready for church, I noticed the spot on my leg that was sore Saturday was very sore and MEGA big Sunday morning. I called my mom (since she's a nurse) and she said anytime something grows that fast over night it's best to have it checked out. to the ER we trot. And we got to the ER because this "thing" is in walking's way. Thankfully, we were in, had minor surgery and was out in about an hour. How awesome was that? Everyone one around us was sick with fevers. We'd like to think, since we were not sick, they were trying to keep us from getting sick in treating us so quickly. So, nothing major, it's all taken care of and I'm much, much better.
Today was the start of my fall class. We knew our book wasn't in for the class. What we didn't know was that there are 5 books for this class. WHAT??? So, we sat there from 8-3 learning prefixes and suffixes, about 200 of them. YAH!!!! And what could make it even more fun? Did she write them on the dry erase board for us to copy at our leisure? NO, she called them out and spelled them to us..................ONE BY ONE. ugggghhhhh I'm really not sure what that was all about or maybe she thought we would learn them better this way. The class is computerized (thank GOD) and it didn't take us long to find the Internet and we all "played" a bit. Anywho, I think it will be much more interesting with books and software.
One good thing to end my day......I had a interview. It went very well, and I'm sooooo hoping for a call to come to work within the next week. Should that call come in, I have permission to drop this class with no penalty to me. Not a big deal, since it has nothing to do with Accounting.
Thanks for letting me vent! This also being the first day I was out all day since being laid off, I am totally exhausted and heading to bed real soon.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Giveaway at Melinda's Fabric Fancies
Link on over to Melinda's blog, she's looking to make some new blogging buddies. I know I have some of the best blogging buddies and although I hate to share you all, Melinda is a great gal. She's giving away this great quilt, and I hate for all of you to enter as it will lessen my chances. Oh well.......guess we all have to do some things we don't like. hehehe.......Barb, I'll be sure to tell her to scratch your name off or just loose it all together. *gosh, I'm so bad*.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Ardea's Nest-BINGO
All you that didn't get enough of BINGO. The winner of my BINGO Melissa @ Ardea's Nest is hosting the next round. Anyone want to play check out either her page or she has set up a special blog for quilt bingo. It looks like she's playing pretty much like we did. However, read her rules to be certain.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Baby Coin Quilt
I've had this finished for a couple of days. I just didn't have it washed and dried. And to think, I used to never wash and dry my quilts before gifting. It makes a huge difference. This is a cutie. I haven't labeled it yet. Because........well, because I have no idea who it's for. haha There is a baby shower at church Saturday. However, I'm sad to say I have no idea who it's for. This fabric was a jelly roll from Wal-Mart called Stripz.....I actually like this fabric. This took very little from the jelly roll, I also did the back in just the strips. I still have half the jelly roll left. I could probably make two more of these, but not use the strips on the back. Look at me now.....not loss for words anymore BARB. Oh yeah, sorry about your rigged Bingo cards. Can you forgive me? hugs
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A loss for words......
Well, now that BINGO is over, I have no idea what to talk about. haha Imagine that, I'm at a loss for blogging words. I'm working on several projects, but don't have anything to show. I have two breast cancer fabric projects in the works. I showed that fabric a couple weeks back. I also have some Christmas table runners in progress, and that D9P I showed a few days ago. So, you see......I am busy, just nothing to show. I did have some time this morning to catch up on my blog reading. I sooo love this blogging thing.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Guess What?
Yep, we have a QUILT/BINGO winner. Melissa from over at Ardea's Nest I totally flaked this morning and posted the wrong Melissa. Who knew there are 2 great Melissa's in the world. So, now go check out Ardea's Nest. Let's all congratulate Melissa on her win on the hard BINGO pattern., I'm off to the college to pick up my books for the first day of class on Monday.
Thanks to everyone for playing, I know it probably dragged out longer than we all thought it would. Next time, it will be just BINGO.........just a regular win. lol Someone else was interested in doing this on their blog. I say.......go for it. I'll play! I'll wait till my classes get started and see how much it kicks my butt before I commit to another round of BINGO.
Melissa, I will get your 20 fq out...probably tomorrow. I have your snail mail.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Where did we begin?
A quote from Daisy Quilts Blog:
One of the things I am always most curious about with quilting and especially we quilters is...
Where and how did we start quilting?What started us on this wonderful endless journey??
So I got to thinking.... Why don't we share our stories and our first quilts..
Would you be interested in joining me??
Here's a link to Daisy's blog and where this started.
Most of you know, my story is on my sidebar. I'll move it to here and show some pics of my first finishes.
I've always wanted a sewing machine for as long as I can remember. In 2005 I asked my in-laws for a sewing machine for Christmas. I got it, and so much more. I got everything I needed to start sewing. And man did I start. I wanted to start 5 different things and not finish anything. Everytime I got a new pattern or kit, I wanted to start it. No matter where I was on the current project. It didn't even matter that I had to change thread, make new bobbins and cut new patterns. I wanted to see if I could make a go of sewing. Even though it's a huge hobby for me, I wanted my quilts and items to be present worthy. I say present, because I give most of my stuff away for gifts. I've even donated a few quilts for auction or raffle.
Much has changed since 2005 and those first days and months of sewing. I now will finish a project before starting something new. I had boxes and boxes of un-finished projects in my closet. I was laid off from my accounting job in June of (2008). I had tons of free time on my hands and thought I would get all that un-finished stuff out and complete it all. I would like for you all to know, it's all complete. Except, for one Queen sized quilt. I'm kinda stuck on it and want to be sure I've taken plenty of nerve pills the day I try to fix/work on it.
I am a self/book taught sewer/quilter. I've never taken a sewing or quilting class. No one in my family sews or quilts. I don't even know anyone that sews or quilts. So, there's no one to help me, when I get stumped. That's when I turn to the internet. I know I'll eventually find what I'm looking for out there. With that said, I have no idea where I got my love for sewing and quilting. It is a passion!!
This baby quilt and small pillow was for a girl at church that loves frogs. You might can click on it to see the frogs. This was one of my first 10 quilts.
This Mickey Mouse quilt I donated to be auctioned for a girl that was in kindergarten with E who had brain cancer. This quilt brought $169.00 and it's small. I think it was more for the benefit than the workmanship. lol
Now, this was my very FIRST quilt completed and sent to our friends in NE for their 4th baby girl. I have no idea where I got the pattern or if I made it up. I know I got those pre-cut blocks from ebay. ha
Another one of my first, I really liked this one, it was so soft and fluffy. I guess I could have been more creative in my placement of those blocks, huh? I donated this one to our church to be raffled for the youth group. I think they sold upwards of 80 tickets. Not bad.
I would be so interested in reading everyone else's "how you got started" story.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Oh yeah? I can do D9P too. It looks like everyone is doing this right now and I couldn't help but give it a try myself. So, I got out my cute charm packs from Moda, American Primer. And here's what I've done.
I noticed none of my results are showing up in the generator box. uggghhhh....this copy and paste seems to give me more problems everyday. L 46
U 21
Q 11
T 61
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Bingo Sunday..
Sorry, I had a big day yesterday and totally forgot to BINGO. We had a cookout with friends and family, then we had a Rockband duel. It was sooo fun!
U 19
True Random Number Generator 19Powered by RANDOM.OR
Q 6
True Random Number Generator 6Powered by RANDOM.OR
T 70
True Random Number Generator 70Powered by RANDOM.OR
U 17
True Random Number Generator 17Powered by RANDOM.OR