
Thursday, January 7, 2010

My very own sewing machine repair man.

calm down
don't be jealous
about every 3 months (or when we remember) he takes my sewing machine apart and cleans it all out, you've heard of dust bunnies, well my machine houses dust cows, their huge
and he oils everything that needs to be oiled (i have no idea what he oils)
just in case you ever wondered what the inside of your sewing machine "might" look like
you too can have your very own sewing machine repair man


  1. Hey what a coincidence! That's MY sewing machine repairman too!

  2. I have a "live-in" who does routine maintenance for me and he is also my computer GURU!!!

  3. My mother takes of mine and is teaching me to do it all by myself.

  4. I have one too...;-)
    Mine does what he can on my reg machines but my Bernina goes to the 'spa' for her upkeep...which she needs to go soon.
    Last thing he did was rug shampooer took all part and cleaned it is not going to get dirty again... haha!!
    Lucky us!

  5. Nice to have your own repairman so handy. It's amazing what build up inside.

  6. Awesome!! I do my own :)

    congratulations on the weight lose!!

  7. Was that purple fabric and the stick in there? hehehehe

    I would be afraid for anyone besides the man at the shop to work on the "Baby"

  8. Ack! Scary seeing all the innards! That's great that he cleans it that often for you. And it's great that it needs cleaning so often because that means you are sewing a lot! =)

  9. I noticed the fabric like Gene did!

    I need a sewing machine man!

  10. NOT fair!! Can u send him over? You are so lucky to have his help!!

  11. I wonder how your machine felt with all it's guts hanging out for the world to see? did you ask?

  12. Fancy that!!!! All machine need someone like that!

  13. Oh, that's so not fair. I am the one that "occasionally" takes my machines apart. I'd much rather have a repairMAN.

  14. Cute!!! You lucky girl. I am married to a computer tech, He could do that in a sec with any computer. I wont let him near my sewing machine;)

  15. We have some of those dust buffalo here too! My machine only gets cleaned once a year - yours must be in Ferrari condition.

  16. My husband is not getting near my machine!! lol

  17. Okay... send him over. hehe. I would NOT let MY husband touch Bernice. Nope. No way!

  18. Haha!! We have dust dragons at our house!! Cute posting, btw.

  19. Oh wow that did look scary, but what a great way to keep your sewing machine in good running order!

  20. what a funny post! i should clean my machine more often...


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