
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Siggy blocks in process..

I've always been intrigued by siggy blocks. I've even had my fabric for my very own siggy blocks for quite some time. I had Hello Betty by Moda. Love this line. It's 1930's repro. So a few days ago on Rachel's blog from ps i quilt she had a siggy block tutorial. I knew this was my chance to start my own blocks. This tutorial is great, simple and easy. I've made probably 30 blocks so far.

NO, I don't know what I'm going to do with them. I don't really want to be in a swap and get siggy blocks from ten-buck-two signed Bernice. I mean that's nice and all, but who is Bernice? Ya know? Then I thought well, I'll mail them to everyone I want to sign my siggy block. Then postage came to mind, and would the person send it back in a timely manner, would they have the right pen to sign it with? Ya know? What's a girl to do?

So........I think I'll put it together just as if it were a "regular" siggy block quilt and "imagine" all my buddies names are signed to it. How does that sound? haha i crack me up sometimes.

And just in case you got a PSP (portable sony playstation) for Christmas and your not sure how you should sit and play it, see below........

my sweet E (sweet most of the time)


  1. You crack me up too! LOL I also love the 1930's repro fabrics. I've wanted to make a Sunbonnet Sue Quilt using them just haven't gotten around to it as yet. Maybe with the new year!

  2. Love these lil blocks.
    You could make it a family quilt...say write down names and BDs.

  3. forgot to say E is a hoot!!
    Comfy is best!!!

  4. E looks comfy but I'm cold looking at him wearing shorts and no shirt!!! You could do a family and friend quilt and carry it around with you along WITH the pen you want them to use and get signatures that way. (Or carry a bag of blocks around and have them sign the blocks.)

  5. or you could just let me sign it. I'll sign every block if you want. :)

  6. They make a great graduation or wedding quilt. You can collect siggys first or take the to the party or reception.

  7. You are so so funny!! I saw that tutorial and it is a good one. I wish we had done one of these for my mother's 90th birthday. she will soon be 92 so maybe we should do one anyway.

  8. Yesterday I pin basted my 30's siggy quilt and hope to have it quilted this week. The binding is all set and ready to go on it as soon as I get that quilting done. I did mail out some blocks on mine - some were slow to return and some were fast. I also met some people for lunch or they stopped by my house to sign blocks. I guess I just figured if someone never returned it, they wouldn't end up on the quilt. I made a few extra blocks just in case, but in the end, everyone was included. There were friends I was unable to visit or see, and they aren't included. Some of the friends owned the pigma pens. I always brought a pigma pen with me so I could let friends sign with my pen. It was a regular 44 cent stamp to mail them. My DH, DD and DS signed it of course! Let me know how it turns out.

  9. send me a block and I will sign (and embellish it with the proper pens) and send it back to you.

  10. very nice job! 30 is a great start! Love your PSP part, got a 13 year old who wants one of those so bad. I will have to show him your pic;)

    Cant wait to see your blocks together!

    Ann Flowers

  11. I'm going to check out that tutorial(ie: what's a siggy block, lol). My daughter got a PSP for Christmas and she hasn't discovered that playing position yet. Looks comfy!

  12. I think the fabrics will make an awesome siggy block - whoever signs it!!! I did the last one with civil war reproduction fabrics and I had no idea there were that many fabrics for that era. I still need to put them all together.

  13. Wow 30 blocks?? I'm going to have to check out the tut!! LOL E looks comfy!!

  14. That's a great tutorial! I think siggie swaps would be more special if it was with your blogging friends instead of someone you didn't know. But you won't know what fabrics you'll get back that way!

  15. That's a great way to make a quilt in my opinion. Can't wait to see how it all turns out. Cute picture of E. Hugs

  16. I have been collecting siggies now for over a year as I am a member of the International Siggy Group. I already have around 130 siggies, and it is fun!
    Enjoyed seeing yours!

  17. E, you just go get your shirt on right now my buddy boy, you are making me come out in goosebumps just looking at the picture.
    lol aunty Jan xx

  18. Hey Tonya, I will do you a siggy, what size

  19. you don't want my signature?... well fine then! {i do think its funny that your making sig blocks with no sigs!!}


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