
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quick Update

from me of course...that means I got to come home. I might not be so lucky the next visit.

He wanted to do a stress test first. We did that today. He will call me for an appt. to do a heart cath next. I was really dreading him telling me that was the next step. However, they can now do that through your wrist. we wait for another appt. I actually begged him to do it all today, since we have to drive into the BIG city.

Thanks all for your prayers. I know they work!


  1. I'm sure this will all be handled efficiently and as quickly as possible and you will be feeling 100% better soon.

  2. Hoping all goes well. Heart cath is not that bad, I have been through one without problems and hubby has had three. You will do just fine!

  3. Be hopeful, you can't be anything else.

  4. Glad to hear the update, and the heart cath shouldn't be a problem for you. Keep us informed and we'll keep prayers coming for you.

  5. Hey Girly, all that is important is that you get running at your ultma.....and hopefuly that will be soon.

  6. Hi Tonya, I am thinking about you a lot today. I am saying a prayer or two also. Take care of yourself.

    B I G H U G S!!!!!

  7. saying prayers for you!! hang in there sweetie!

  8. Tonya new procedures now are so friendly. I hope all turns out well. Stay positive.

  9. I didn't know they could go through the wrist now! That will be better than the old way, though still scary for sure. I'll tell you the same thing I told my hubby when he had his triple bypass "for his 40th birthday"; though this is certainly not expected or desired, you will now be monitored thoroughly and regularly. In that way, you are one of the lucky ones rather than one of the ones who never knew they were sick until it was too late. After the doc cleans out your pipes, Tonya, with your exercise and diet, you will be a new woman! Hang in there!

  10. Letting you go home is a good thing! I had no idea they could do a heart cath through the wrist now. Very interesting!

    You've already made tremendous lifestyle changes and now how a foundation for a much healthier life.

  11. I have been behind in my blog reading so I didn't know what you were going through. You have my thoughts and well wishes. I know you are worried but the great thing is that we live in an age where even blockages can be cleared and you will feel ever so much better.

  12. Hang in there Tanya they'll fix you up good a new. Sending prayers your way.

  13. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray God will give you the strength and courage for the tests ahead and He will give your doctors the wisdom they need to treat you. Hugs....

  14. Hang tough Sweets!
    You will get through this too.
    Big Hugs.

  15. Hope it all goes well. Sorry about the yo-yo maker being lost. Hopefully it'll get found or you'll be able to find one one. Hugs

  16. "the big city" - I have always called it that too.

    Well, at least it's one test down. Maybe the results will indicate you don't have to do the cath test?

    More prayers sent your way Tonya. Hang in there!

  17. I cant bear to think of you in any sort of pain or discomfort. Come back to me and chat I miss you my friend. lolololol xxxxxxxxx and hugs ()()()()()()()()()()()


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