
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My appt. is tomorrow.......(Thursday)

This week has been rough, I've left the house twice.

I'm so ready for tomorrow and not so ready for tomorrow.

Thanks to all my blogging buddies and friends for your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Tonya~
    So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Hang in there, sending prayers your way!!

  2. My thoughts are with you, Tonya. You are right that you are too young for this, but whatever happens, your age is in your favor for healing. Positive thinking goes a long way. Has TJ learned the blog thing? If so, I will be looking forward to his debut and news from you!

  3. Keeping you in my thoughts. I hope everything goes well!

  4. I'll send a little prayer your way tomorrow.

  5. Hang in there I:m sure things will work out, keep positive thoughts and do what the doctor says. Keeping you in my prayers.

  6. Here is hoping that all goes well with you tomorrow...!! Just find your happy place....and stay there....

  7. You are in my prayers, Tonya. This needs to be taken care of so you can get back to doing all the fun things you love to do!

  8. You are in my prayers. I am so glad you are not putting this off and seeing the right people.

  9. I've been anxiously awaiting news, since I thought you were seeing the docs on Tuesday. You are probably there now, as I write, and I'm praying for you. Will be waiting to hear the good news!

  10. will be thinking of you today...and after of course

  11. I hope all is going well for you today. I'm having a horrible time leaving comments at a number of blogs. I hope this one goes through. Hugs


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