
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Show & Tell Part II

Ready for Part II?

A quilted book panel...E loves these books, he has many.
Labels from Moda...
Kit from Mary Engelbreit. (I have no clue why it underlined all this)

Wee Play kit from Moda......I love Wee Play
Kit that TJ liked.......
3 Fat Quarters that really caught my eye.
Couldn't resist this kit.....

I wanted to let my regular readers know what's going on. During the last month I've experienced some major discomfort in my chest. Not chest pains by any means.....I really chalked it up to my Asthma. I was quite a drag on vacation, not being able to do much or get out much. I actually made an appt. to see my family Dr. while we was on vacation for this past Friday. She was very alarmed and actually mad that I didn't come in sooner. She said I was trying to "rationalize" my symptoms. And maybe I was......I really didn't let anyone in on what was going on till we were on vacation. Crazy, I know! So, she was on the phone in a hurry trying to get me in for Tuesday at Wake Forest Baptist for heart tests. She's very concerned that I may have a blockage or clot. I'm way to young for this, but my health has been horrible for awhile and being so overweight don't help. Sad thing is....I finally realized that and have been working hard to correct it. I just didn't start soon enough. Please everyone just say a quick prayer for me. She said they would do a heart cath first. I'm so scared! I am going to show TJ how to post on here, so he can update everyone.


  1. You most certainly will be in my prayeers. Dealing with health issues is so scary and all consuming, and I know you've been working hard on your weight. Take care of yourself, and enjoy all the new goodies you've got.

  2. OH, Tonya.....I hope all will be well. I'm sure they will figure out your problem and fix it, but I know it's scary. I am starting to wonder if I'm having some kind of heart issue and I know I need to shed some lbs, too....SEVERAL, actually. Please do be certain that TJ posts to let us know how you are doing if you aren't up to posting yourself. If you want to email me for my phone number, you can also call me, if you'd like.

  3. Oh...almost forgot to say I love what you bought and showed us today.

  4. Great goodies. Love them all.

    Hugs and prayers to you. Hope everything is okay! And make sure you let us know so we're not worrying...

  5. You're definitely in my prayers! Trust your doctor to help you back to good health.

  6. Tonya please take care of yourself. A prayer is already being said for you. Keep us up to date please.

  7. I'll be saying a few prayers for you.

    Love all your new goodies!

    I will be selecting the winner of my giveaway tomorrow. Be sure to sign up now if you are interested.

  8. I'll be thinking of you. You have made tremendous changes already and I'm very proud of your hard work. It's never too late!

    Great goodies!

  9. OMGoodness sweets! Sorry to hear this! Please keep us posted on how you are doing!!
    Prayer already sent up!

  10. I will say a few prayers for you. I have had a clot, it was about 2 years ago. Being that I was 36 at the time, I felt like I was to young. It made me aware of some things I needed to change to help me stay healthy. Know I am thinking about you.

  11. Oh my goodness Tanya, hope everything will be all right. I will keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted.

  12. I'm sure you are very scared! Stay positive! You'll be in my prayers!

  13. I will be praying for you sweetie!

  14. Oh my dear sweet friend, I wish I was there to hold your hand....I would be and am scared with you. My thought, prayers and love are coming your need to fear...barb is here!!! That is suppose to make you smile....let us know what is going I will worry about you...

  15. You be strong, and know we are here praying for you. I think we all tend to rationalize why we are feeling bad. I let my gall bladder go to the point of an emergency. The doctors will do what is best for you. I'll be waiting to hear from TJ.
    By the way, love your purchases. I can tell you weren't feeling well. You resorted to alot of fabric medications.

  16. You really did get some cool stuff on your trip.

    Baptist is a fabulous hospital! They will take great care of you. I will of course pray. Looking forward to TJ's updates.

  17. Oh hunny! I'm praying for you and sending lots of love your way! I haven't been a very good blogger friend lately and haven visited so I'm just finding out now :(

    I hope that your family will be a wall of strength for you, and please remember that all of your blogging friends are here too!!!

    I know what it's like to be a bigger gal! I have 86+ lbs to lose!!! and I haven't even started... that's like losing a 4th grader.

    When you have your health concerns worked out, start small. I've had a lot of success with Weight Watchers combined with good ol fashioned exercise in the past (lost 12lbs last year!).

    Take care Tonya!! and remember sewing & quilting are great stress free activities for down time :)

  18. I missed this Tonya and it sounds like you are doing ok right now, but I am saying prayers for you anyway!!!!


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