
Sunday, December 4, 2011


Well, it's all going down tomorrow......
I've spent the weekend doing loads and loads of his laundry.
I've only ever did his laundry about once a month, that's how many clothes he has.
It's crazy!
It's good though, I needed to go through his clothes and this is the perfect time.

So, please remember our little family tomorrow as we dropped our beloved son off.
It's nearly a 2 hr drive, so down there and back will be long.


  1. Hugs to you and to him. Prayers will be going up for all of you and for the workers who will be with him. I wish I could be there with you for support. I am sure we would cry and laugh both.

  2. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, Tonya. I know this is going to be so difficult for you.

    I remember how awful it was to send my own children off to college and come home to that emptiness. The only advice I can give you is to get BUSY and stay that way so you don't have to think about it.


  3. I will be thinking of you, Tonya, and sending hugs your way!

  4. I will be thinking of you all without question. Many hugs.

  5. You and your little family will be in my thoughts and prayers, Tonya.

  6. Put him in God's care and he will be fine. My prayers are with you all. It helps to say the Serenity Prayer---------over and over.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
    The courage to change the things I can.
    And the wisdom to know the difference.

  7. Heaven will be stormed with prayers for all of you, Tonya. Please call if you need to talk. Hugs to you, my friend!

  8. Tonya, you and your family will continually be in my prayers...may God give you peace and strength over the coming months.....remember you are not alone, God is there with you lean on Him during this time....I know he will take care of your son while he is away....hugs to you...

  9. Hugs to you, this may be the hardest thing you have ever had to do. But if it works in the end it will be worth ever tear you shed. Hang in there and may many years of total happiness be in your future.

  10. oh yeah, and him getting mad when your telling people is actually a great sign............he cares what others think, so that is a great sign of hope.

  11. Hi Tonya, you will be in my thoughts and prayers today as well. Your heart may feel like it is breaking, but you are showing so much courage and strength. Be sure and discuss your fears and concerns about being apart from your son with the people at the facility because they may have some really good tips on what to expect. Perhaps there may be some kind of support groups with other parents online. This may be the beginning of some very meaningful healing. With Love, Delisa

  12. He's gonna be okay. You are gonna be okay.

  13. I'm sorry I missed this yesterday, Tonya. I bet your back by now. My heart sure does go out to you.

  14. Will be thinking positive thoughts and praying for you all tomorrow.

  15. So sorry I missed this too. Will be sending lots and lots of love. (Been a bit busy with stuff here, will email soon) Love to you

  16. Missed this Tonya I am sorry.
    Hope all is well with you.


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