
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Update, a day late........

Everything went well yesterday, no problems at all to report.
Only complaint is that my wrist is sore and I can't use it for 3 days.

The Dr's do have another theory as to what's going on, and that can be taken care of with minor outpatient surgery. So, I'm feeling pretty good today, taking it easy.

I assumed yesterday everyone has Facebook and would see my updates on there.
Then I remembered.......everyone don't have Facebook.

Thanks to you all for prayers, and thoughts...........HUGS

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sparkle Mod Podge

Ohhh, I'm loving Sparkle Mod Podge.

I had never used Mod Podge till I won a starter set from Kelly over at I have a notion.

I didn't realize how hard it would be to get the "sparkle" to show up in a picture.

I hope you can see it on this magazine bowl, I used the Mod Podge with Sparkle to seal and secure this bowl. NICE

I see more Mod Podge in my future.

Thanks Kelly and all your sponsors for that 30 day giveaway.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

RIP Frack...(the turtle)

frack got sick when we returned from vacation
he was the runt and so much smaller than his siblings his age
we babied him and separated him from the group (normally if it's contagious the rest will get it)
he loved the one on one attention we gave him
he loved his warm baths (warm water boosts their immune systems)
it just wasn't enough to keep Frack alive
kenny, dale, mikey and frick will miss you buddy, who will they swat away now when it's feeding time?
RIP Frack...we love u....(hopefully the neighbor dogs won't find you and dig you up)

we lost one other turtle several years back, unfortunately there were no remains to bury. yeah, don't ask what happened to them....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Do you have one of these?

It's a Magazine bowl......
Outside of the bowl. I haven't secured it yet....waiting on that awesome mod podge I won. I'll see if I can use that for this project. I posted a link on my Facebook fan page for the tutorial of this.

No news from the Doc yet, I called today to let them know of some happenings over the weekend. He was supposed to give me a call back. No such luck! I'm so impatient.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Want some ducks?

Would anyone be interested in these ducks? They came on the wreath's below. I cut them off the wreath's and made the wreath's into.......well, see the last picture.

Bad picture, those are tiny pine cones.

If more than one person is interested in the ducks, I'll draw for a winner Monday morning.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A lesson in Yo Yo's

You all know of my addiction to yo yo's and anything that has to do with them.
I parted with my yo yo maker and let my cousin make a couple hundred, even supplied her the fabric. She came up today for a visit, and I asked her to bring the maker back. She's gotten busy and hasn't been making any.'s lost! As I was "machine" sewing (yes, machine sewing my yo yo's together) half came untied or wasn't tied at all. uggghhhhh

Now, I'm out of made yo yo's and no yo yo maker to use up this stack of fabric ready to be made into yo yo's. I'm having serious yo yo withdrawals. SERIOUSLY! I can drive up to Boone and get one for less than $6.00.......however, tj will be leaving for work soon and I can't drive up there alone right now. What's a girl to do? Guess I'll be scouring Ebay for a new 2" yo yo maker.


( I said the words "yo yo" 9 times in this post, lol)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quick Update

from me of course...that means I got to come home. I might not be so lucky the next visit.

He wanted to do a stress test first. We did that today. He will call me for an appt. to do a heart cath next. I was really dreading him telling me that was the next step. However, they can now do that through your wrist. we wait for another appt. I actually begged him to do it all today, since we have to drive into the BIG city.

Thanks all for your prayers. I know they work!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My appt. is tomorrow.......(Thursday)

This week has been rough, I've left the house twice.

I'm so ready for tomorrow and not so ready for tomorrow.

Thanks to all my blogging buddies and friends for your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Show & Tell Part II

Ready for Part II?

A quilted book panel...E loves these books, he has many.
Labels from Moda...
Kit from Mary Engelbreit. (I have no clue why it underlined all this)

Wee Play kit from Moda......I love Wee Play
Kit that TJ liked.......
3 Fat Quarters that really caught my eye.
Couldn't resist this kit.....

I wanted to let my regular readers know what's going on. During the last month I've experienced some major discomfort in my chest. Not chest pains by any means.....I really chalked it up to my Asthma. I was quite a drag on vacation, not being able to do much or get out much. I actually made an appt. to see my family Dr. while we was on vacation for this past Friday. She was very alarmed and actually mad that I didn't come in sooner. She said I was trying to "rationalize" my symptoms. And maybe I was......I really didn't let anyone in on what was going on till we were on vacation. Crazy, I know! So, she was on the phone in a hurry trying to get me in for Tuesday at Wake Forest Baptist for heart tests. She's very concerned that I may have a blockage or clot. I'm way to young for this, but my health has been horrible for awhile and being so overweight don't help. Sad thing is....I finally realized that and have been working hard to correct it. I just didn't start soon enough. Please everyone just say a quick prayer for me. She said they would do a heart cath first. I'm so scared! I am going to show TJ how to post on here, so he can update everyone.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Show & Tell Part I

Are ya'll ready..........
Green, of course to make the bag on the pattern. I'm not a Pink kind of gal.
I got 2 yards of this yellow for my mom and a project she had in mind. Well, turns out it's too bright for her, so now it's mine. (nice)
Peas & Carrots Charm Packs from Moda...see the price on there? $6.00
This is called "Twice the Charm, Double your measure, double your fun" from RJR Fabrics.

I'm really into pre-cuts these days.
Pattern Called "Sticks & Stones" for a Moda Gobble Gobble Honey Bun...I got the other yardage to go with it. It called for a big dot fabric and a small dot fabric.....the colors don't show true on here. However, it matches really well.
A cute bag of 70 "seashell" buttons. Remember my button craze?
I subscribed to this several weeks back and my first issue came while we were gone.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins

I got this from Rachel.........

1. In 1992, I was a junior in high school, so wishing high school was over. (If only I could go back to that time, I could have done so much better)
2. I love when E is all laughter and smiles.
3. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
4. Lake Tahoe, CA is where I'd like to be.
5. The trees and flowers are telling me to stay inside, because it kills my Asthma and the asthma kills me. lol
6. I love "love" that just keeps going on.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my nephew's birthday party that we've already been too and back home, tomorrow my plans include getting a new patio set to match our newly painted house and back deck and Sunday, I want to sew all day!

I thought this was interesting and wanted to try it.......

Vacation Day 4 No Pictures......

Yes, Day 4 is's now Day 5 and we're home. WOOHOO

We did try to add on two more nights, but because our hotel is connected to the convention center and they were having a "women's conference" they were booked.

We checked out about 8:30 am.......we were ready to get on with the day and get home. We did some major shopping before leaving town.

We hit the "As seen on TV store" and everything we bought was not a "As seen on TV" product. lol

Then, TJ dropped me and E off at the quilting store while he went and gassed up the car. I bought even more stuff. Oh my, do I have some show and tell for you all.

After the quilt store, we went to a Mexican buffet. It was divine................

Next was a Amish store, that I adore. I just love everything Amish (well, almost). We got several cute things in there as well.

From there it was Bass Pro Shops, where we bought NOTHING. lol

Then.......I-40 here we come.................we left Pigeon Forge area around 2:30pm and got home @ 6. We made several stops along the way.

It's so good to be home and in our own bed. And..........I missed "brother" and "maggie".

Stay tuned, tomorrow I'll start showing what I bought.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mini Quilt & Pillow

Ain't this sweet! Mini Quilt & Pillow.
Thanks to Lola, she sent me a box full of panels and fabric pre-cuts.
I couldn't help but making this as soon as I saw it.

We will be in the land of Pigeon Forge, TN all next week on vacation.

When I get back I will pick a winner for my "big butt" bag giveaway a few post back. If you didn't see that, scroll'll find it.

Have a blessed week all, love you all.

Thanks again Lola (I sent you an email as well)

Friday, April 2, 2010

6 1/2 yrds of fabric for $3.50

Yep, from the local Goodwill.

It's actually a Navy Blue........kinda a funky print, but will make a great back for something or for whatever I find a use for.

Gotta love a good deal.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Scooby Doo in a dress......

do you think he'll mind being in a dress?
this is a girl's baby blanket for my Scooby Doo loving friend.....

i appliqued the dresses on each block then blanket stitched around them..

so worth the time and trouble, love it..